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* Copyright (C) 2023 Christopher J. Howard
* This file is part of Antkeeper source code.
* Antkeeper source code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Antkeeper source code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Antkeeper source code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <engine/ai/navmesh.hpp>
#include <engine/geom/closest-feature.hpp>
#include <engine/geom/coordinates.hpp>
#include <engine/math/quaternion.hpp>
#include <iterator>
namespace ai {
navmesh_traversal traverse_navmesh(const geom::brep_mesh& mesh, geom::brep_face* face, geom::ray<float, 3> ray, float distance)
// Get vertex positions and face normals
const auto& vertex_positions = mesh.vertices().attributes().at<math::fvec3>("position");
const auto& face_normals = mesh.faces().attributes().at<math::fvec3>("normal");
// Init traversal result
navmesh_traversal traversal;
traversal.edge = nullptr;
// Save initial ray origin
auto initial_origin = ray.origin;
float segment_length = 0.0f;
int edge_index;
// Get triangle vertices
auto loop_it = face->loops().begin();
const auto& a = vertex_positions[loop_it->vertex()->index()];
const auto& b = vertex_positions[(++loop_it)->vertex()->index()];
const auto& c = vertex_positions[(++loop_it)->vertex()->index()];
// Find closest feature on triangle to segment endpoint
std::tie(traversal.barycentric, edge_index) = geom::closest_feature(a, b, c, ray.extrapolate(distance));
// Convert barycentric coordinates of closest point to Cartesian coordinates
traversal.cartesian = geom::barycentric_to_cartesian(traversal.barycentric, a, b, c);
// Subtract length of projected segment from remaining distance
segment_length = math::length(traversal.cartesian - ray.origin);
distance -= segment_length;
// Advance ray origin
ray.origin = traversal.cartesian;
// If no edge reached or no remaining distance, traversal is complete
if (edge_index < 0 || distance <= 0.0f)
// Find loop and edge on which the closest point lies
auto closest_loop_it = face->loops().begin();
std::advance(closest_loop_it, edge_index);
geom::brep_loop* closest_loop = *closest_loop_it;
geom::brep_edge* closest_edge = closest_loop->edge();
// Abort if a boundary edge was reached
if (closest_edge->loops().size() == 1)
traversal.edge = closest_edge;
// Find a loop and face that shares the closest edge
auto symmetric_loop_it = closest_edge->loops().begin();
if (*symmetric_loop_it == closest_loop)
geom::brep_loop* symmetric_loop = *symmetric_loop_it;
geom::brep_face* symmetric_face = symmetric_loop->face();
// Find quaternion representing rotation from normal of first face to normal of second face
const auto& n0 = face_normals[face->index()];
const auto& n1 = face_normals[symmetric_face->index()];
const auto rotation = math::rotation(n0, n1);
// Rotate ray direction
ray.direction = rotation * ray.direction;
// Move to next face
face = symmetric_face;
while (segment_length > 0.0f);
traversal.face = face;
traversal.remaining_distance = distance;
return traversal;
} // namespace ai