/* * Copyright (C) 2021 Christopher J. Howard * * This file is part of Antkeeper source code. * * Antkeeper source code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Antkeeper source code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Antkeeper source code. If not, see . */ #include "gl/shader-program.hpp" #include "gl/shader-object.hpp" #include "gl/shader-variable-type.hpp" #include "gl/shader-input.hpp" #include #include namespace gl { shader_program::shader_program(): gl_program_id(0), linked(false) { // Create an OpenGL shader program gl_program_id = glCreateProgram(); // Handle OpenGL errors if (!gl_program_id) { throw std::runtime_error("An error occurred while creating an OpenGL shader program."); } } shader_program::~shader_program() { // Delete shader inputs free_inputs(); // Detach all shader objects detach_all(); // Delete the OpenGL shader program glDeleteProgram(gl_program_id); } void shader_program::attach(const shader_object* object) { if (attached_objects.find(object) != attached_objects.end()) { throw std::runtime_error("Shader object is already attached to the shader program."); } else { // Check that both the OpenGL shader program and OpenGL shader object are valid if (glIsProgram(gl_program_id) != GL_TRUE) throw std::runtime_error("OpenGL shader program is not a valid program object."); if (glIsShader(object->gl_shader_id) != GL_TRUE) throw std::runtime_error("OpenGL shader object is not a valid shader object."); // Attach the OpenGL shader object to the OpenGL shader program glAttachShader(gl_program_id, object->gl_shader_id); // Handle OpenGL errors switch (glGetError()) { case GL_INVALID_OPERATION: throw std::runtime_error("OpenGL shader object is already attached to the shader program."); break; } // Add shader object to set of attached objects attached_objects.insert(object); } } void shader_program::detach(const shader_object* object) { if (attached_objects.find(object) == attached_objects.end()) { throw std::runtime_error("Shader object is not attached to the shader program."); } else { // Check that both the OpenGL shader program and OpenGL shader object are valid if (glIsProgram(gl_program_id) != GL_TRUE) throw std::runtime_error("OpenGL shader program is not a valid program object."); if (glIsShader(object->gl_shader_id) != GL_TRUE) throw std::runtime_error("OpenGL shader object is not a valid shader object."); // Detach the OpenGL shader object from the OpenGL shader program glDetachShader(gl_program_id, object->gl_shader_id); // Handle OpenGL errors switch (glGetError()) { case GL_INVALID_OPERATION: throw std::runtime_error("OpenGL shader object is not attached to the shader program."); break; } // Remove shader object from set of attached objects attached_objects.erase(object); } } void shader_program::detach_all() { while (!attached_objects.empty()) detach(*attached_objects.begin()); } bool shader_program::link() { // Check that the OpenGL shader program is valid if (glIsProgram(gl_program_id) != GL_TRUE) throw std::runtime_error("OpenGL shader program is not a valid program object."); // Link OpenGL shader program glLinkProgram(gl_program_id); // Handle OpenGL errors switch (glGetError()) { case GL_INVALID_OPERATION: throw std::runtime_error("OpenGL shader program is the currently active program object and transform feedback mode is active."); break; } // Get OpenGL shader program linking status GLint gl_link_status; glGetProgramiv(gl_program_id, GL_LINK_STATUS, &gl_link_status); linked = (gl_link_status == GL_TRUE); // Get OpenGL shader program info log length GLint gl_info_log_length; glGetProgramiv(gl_program_id, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &gl_info_log_length); if (gl_info_log_length > 0) { // Resize string to accommodate OpenGL shader program info log info_log.resize(gl_info_log_length); // Read OpenGL shader program info log into string glGetProgramInfoLog(gl_program_id, gl_info_log_length, &gl_info_log_length, info_log.data()); // Remove redundant null terminator from string info_log.pop_back(); } else { // Empty info log info_log.clear(); } // Find shader inputs find_inputs(); return linked; } void shader_program::find_inputs() { // Get maximum uniform name length GLint max_uniform_name_length = 0; glGetProgramiv(gl_program_id, GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORM_MAX_LENGTH, &max_uniform_name_length); // Allocate uniform name buffer GLchar* uniform_name = new GLchar[max_uniform_name_length]; // Get number of active uniforms in the shader GLint active_uniform_count = 0; glGetProgramiv(gl_program_id, GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORMS, &active_uniform_count); // Set first available texture unit int available_texture_unit = 0; // For each active uniform for (GLuint uniform_index = 0; uniform_index < static_cast(active_uniform_count); ++uniform_index) { // Get information about uniform GLsizei uniform_name_length; GLint uniform_size; GLenum uniform_type; glGetActiveUniform(gl_program_id, uniform_index, static_cast(max_uniform_name_length), &uniform_name_length, &uniform_size, &uniform_type, &uniform_name[0]); // Get name without array symbols std::string input_name = uniform_name; std::size_t bracketPos = input_name.find_first_of("["); if (bracketPos != std::string::npos) { input_name = input_name.substr(0, bracketPos); } // Determine corresponding shader variable data type shader_variable_type variable_type; int texture_unit = -1; bool unsupported = false; switch (uniform_type) { case GL_BOOL: variable_type = shader_variable_type::bool1; break; case GL_BOOL_VEC2: variable_type = shader_variable_type::bool2; break; case GL_BOOL_VEC3: variable_type = shader_variable_type::bool3; break; case GL_BOOL_VEC4: variable_type = shader_variable_type::bool4; break; case GL_INT: variable_type = shader_variable_type::int1; break; case GL_INT_VEC2: variable_type = shader_variable_type::int2; break; case GL_INT_VEC3: variable_type = shader_variable_type::int3; break; case GL_INT_VEC4: variable_type = shader_variable_type::int4; break; case GL_UNSIGNED_INT: variable_type = shader_variable_type::uint1; break; case GL_UNSIGNED_INT_VEC2: variable_type = shader_variable_type::uint2; break; case GL_UNSIGNED_INT_VEC3: variable_type = shader_variable_type::uint3; break; case GL_UNSIGNED_INT_VEC4: variable_type = shader_variable_type::uint4; break; case GL_FLOAT: variable_type = shader_variable_type::float1; break; case GL_FLOAT_VEC2: variable_type = shader_variable_type::float2; break; case GL_FLOAT_VEC3: variable_type = shader_variable_type::float3; break; case GL_FLOAT_VEC4: variable_type = shader_variable_type::float4; break; case GL_FLOAT_MAT2: variable_type = shader_variable_type::float2x2; break; case GL_FLOAT_MAT3: variable_type = shader_variable_type::float3x3; break; case GL_FLOAT_MAT4: variable_type = shader_variable_type::float4x4; break; case GL_SAMPLER_2D: case GL_SAMPLER_2D_SHADOW: variable_type = shader_variable_type::texture_2d; texture_unit = available_texture_unit; available_texture_unit += uniform_size; break; case GL_SAMPLER_CUBE: variable_type = shader_variable_type::texture_cube; texture_unit = available_texture_unit; available_texture_unit += uniform_size; break; default: unsupported = true; break; } // Check if data type is supported if (unsupported) { std::string message = std::string("Shader uniform \"") + std::string(uniform_name) + std::string("\" has unsupported data type."); throw std::runtime_error(message.c_str()); } // Get uniform location GLint uniform_location = glGetUniformLocation(gl_program_id, uniform_name); if (uniform_location == -1) { //std::string message = std::string("Unable to get location for uniform \"") + std::string(uniform_name) + std::string("\""); //throw std::runtime_error(message.c_str()); } else { // Create new shader input shader_input* input = new shader_input(this, inputs.size(), uniform_location, input_name, variable_type, uniform_size, texture_unit); input_map[input_name] = input; inputs.push_back(input); } } // Free uniform name buffer delete[] uniform_name; } void shader_program::free_inputs() { for (shader_input* input: inputs) { delete input; } inputs.clear(); } } // namespace gl