/* * Copyright (C) 2021 Christopher J. Howard * * This file is part of Antkeeper source code. * * Antkeeper source code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Antkeeper source code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Antkeeper source code. If not, see . */ #include "game/load.hpp" #include "game/world.hpp" #include "application.hpp" #include "debug/logger.hpp" #include "resources/json.hpp" #include "resources/resource-manager.hpp" #include "render/model.hpp" #include "render/material.hpp" #include "render/passes/sky-pass.hpp" #include "render/passes/ground-pass.hpp" #include "game/system/astronomy.hpp" #include "game/system/terrain.hpp" #include "math/random.hpp" #include "math/noise/noise.hpp" #include #include #include #include "resources/image.hpp" #include #include namespace game { namespace load { void biome(game::context& ctx, const std::filesystem::path& path) { ctx.logger->push_task("Loading biome from \"" + path.string() + "\""); image img; img.format(1, 1); img.resize(2048, 2048); float frequency = 10.0f; std::size_t octaves = 4; float lacunarity = 2.0f; float gain = 0.5f; auto hash = static_cast&)>(math::noise::hash::pcg3d_1); auto noise = static_cast&, decltype(hash))>(math::noise::simplex); auto fbm = [&](const float2& x) { return math::noise::fbm ( x, octaves, lacunarity, gain, noise, hash ); }; auto width = img.get_width(); auto height = img.get_height(); unsigned char* pixels = (unsigned char*)img.data(); float scale_x = 1.0f / static_cast(width - 1) * frequency; float scale_y = 1.0f / static_cast(height - 1) * frequency; std::for_each ( std::execution::par_unseq, img.begin(), img.end(), [pixels, width, height, scale_x, scale_y, &fbm](auto& pixel) { std::size_t i = &pixel - pixels; std::size_t y = i / width; std::size_t x = i % width; float2 position = { static_cast(x) * scale_x, static_cast(y) * scale_y }; //float n = math::noise::simplex(position, &math::noise::hash::pcg3d_1); float n = fbm(position); pixel = static_cast((n * 0.5f + 0.5f) * 255.0f); } ); stbi_flip_vertically_on_write(1); stbi_write_png((ctx.config_path / "gallery" / "simplex-noise.png").string().c_str(), img.get_width(), img.get_height(), img.get_channel_count(), img.data(), img.get_width() * img.get_channel_count()); try { json* data = ctx.resource_manager->load(path); // Load location if (auto location = data->find("location"); location != data->end()) { double elevation = 0.0; double latitude = 0.0; double longitude = 0.0; if (auto location_ele = location->find("elevation"); location_ele != location->end()) elevation = location_ele->get(); else ctx.logger->warning("Biome elevation undefined"); if (auto location_lat = location->find("latitude"); location_lat != location->end()) latitude = math::radians(location_lat->get()); else ctx.logger->warning("Biome latitude undefined"); if (auto location_lon = location->find("longitude"); location_lon != location->end()) longitude = math::radians(location_lon->get()); else ctx.logger->warning("Biome longitude undefined"); // Set location game::world::set_location(ctx, elevation, latitude, longitude); } else { ctx.logger->warning("Biome location undefined"); } // Setup sky ctx.sky_pass->set_sky_model(ctx.resource_manager->load("celestial-hemisphere.mdl")); // Load terrain if (auto terrain = data->find("terrain"); terrain != data->end()) { if (auto material = terrain->find("material"); material != terrain->end()) { render::material* terrain_material = ctx.resource_manager->load(material->get()); ctx.terrain_system->set_patch_material(terrain_material); } else { ctx.logger->warning("Biome terrain material undefined"); } if (auto material = terrain->find("horizon_material"); material != terrain->end()) { render::model* terrestrial_hemisphere_model = ctx.resource_manager->load("terrestrial-hemisphere.mdl"); (*terrestrial_hemisphere_model->get_groups())[0]->set_material(ctx.resource_manager->load(material->get())); ctx.ground_pass->set_ground_model(terrestrial_hemisphere_model); } else { ctx.logger->warning("Biome terrain horizon material undefined"); } // Terrain elevation function ctx.terrain_system->set_elevation_function ( [](float x, float z) -> float { float angle = math::radians(30.0f); float c = std::cos(angle); float s = std::sin(angle); x = x * c - z * s; z = x * s + z * c; float frequency = 0.01f; std::size_t octaves = 4; float lacunarity = 3.0f; float gain = 0.5f; auto noise = static_cast&, decltype(hash))>(math::noise::simplex); auto hash = static_cast&)>(math::noise::hash::pcg3d_1); float2 position = float2{x, z} * frequency; float n = math::noise::fbm ( position, octaves, lacunarity, gain, noise, hash ); return 2.0f * n; } ); // Setup lighting double3 terrain_albedo = {0, 0, 0}; if (terrain->contains("albedo")) { const auto& albedo_element = (*terrain)["albedo"]; terrain_albedo[0] = albedo_element[0].get(); terrain_albedo[1]= albedo_element[1].get(); terrain_albedo[2] = albedo_element[2].get(); } ctx.astronomy_system->set_bounce_albedo(terrain_albedo); } else { ctx.logger->warning("Biome terrain undefined"); } } catch (...) { ctx.logger->pop_task(EXIT_FAILURE); } ctx.logger->pop_task(EXIT_SUCCESS); } void colony(game::context& ctx, const std::filesystem::path& path) { ctx.logger->push_task("Loading colony from \"" + path.string() + "\""); try { json* data = ctx.resource_manager->load(path); } catch (...) { ctx.logger->pop_task(EXIT_FAILURE); } ctx.logger->pop_task(EXIT_SUCCESS); } } // namespace load } // namespace game