/* * Copyright (C) 2021 Christopher J. Howard * * This file is part of Antkeeper source code. * * Antkeeper source code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Antkeeper source code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Antkeeper source code. If not, see . */ #include "game/states/language-menu.hpp" #include "game/states/options-menu.hpp" #include "application.hpp" #include "scene/text.hpp" #include "render/passes/clear-pass.hpp" #include "debug/logger.hpp" #include "game/fonts.hpp" namespace game { namespace state { namespace language_menu { static void update_text_font(game::context* ctx) { for (scene::text* text: ctx->language_menu_texts) { text->set_material(&ctx->menu_font_material); text->set_font(&ctx->menu_font); } } static void update_text_color(game::context* ctx) { float4 inactive_color = {1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.5f}; float4 active_color = {1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f}; for (std::size_t i = 0; i < ctx->language_menu_texts.size(); ++i) { scene::text* text = ctx->language_menu_texts[i]; if (i == ctx->language_menu_index) text->set_color(active_color); else text->set_color(inactive_color); } } static void update_text_content(game::context* ctx) { ctx->language_menu_language_text->set_content((*ctx->strings)["language_name"]); ctx->language_menu_back_text->set_content((*ctx->strings)["back"]); } static void refresh_texts(game::context* ctx) { for (scene::text* text: ctx->language_menu_texts) { text->refresh(); } } static void align_texts(game::context* ctx) { float menu_width = 0.0f; for (std::size_t i = 0; i < ctx->language_menu_texts.size(); ++i) { scene::text* text = ctx->language_menu_texts[i]; // Update menu width const auto& bounds = static_cast&>(text->get_local_bounds()); float width = bounds.max_point.x - bounds.min_point.x; menu_width = std::max(menu_width, width); } float menu_height = ctx->language_menu_texts.size() * ctx->menu_font.get_font_metrics().linespace; float menu_x = -menu_width * 0.5f; float menu_y = menu_height * 0.5f - ctx->menu_font.get_font_metrics().linespace; for (std::size_t i = 0; i < ctx->language_menu_texts.size(); ++i) { scene::text* text = ctx->language_menu_texts[i]; // Align text const auto& bounds = static_cast&>(text->get_local_bounds()); float w = bounds.max_point.x - bounds.min_point.x; float x = -w * 0.5f; //float x = menu_x; float y = menu_y - ctx->menu_font.get_font_metrics().linespace * i; text->set_translation({std::round(x), std::round(y), 0.0f}); } } static void update_text_tweens(game::context* ctx) { for (scene::text* text: ctx->language_menu_texts) { text->update_tweens(); } } void enter(game::context* ctx) { ctx->ui_clear_pass->set_cleared_buffers(true, true, false); ctx->language_menu_index = 0; // Construct language menu texts ctx->language_menu_language_text = new scene::text(); ctx->language_menu_back_text = new scene::text(); // Build list of language menu texts ctx->language_menu_texts.push_back(ctx->language_menu_language_text); ctx->language_menu_texts.push_back(ctx->language_menu_back_text); // Construct language menu callbacks auto menu_back_callback = [ctx]() { application::state next_state; next_state.name = "options_menu"; next_state.enter = std::bind(game::state::options_menu::enter, ctx); next_state.exit = std::bind(game::state::options_menu::exit, ctx); ctx->app->change_state(next_state); }; auto next_language_callback = [ctx]() { if (ctx->language_menu_index != 0) return; // Increment language index ++ctx->language_index; if (ctx->language_index >= ctx->language_count) ctx->language_index = 0; // Find corresponding language code and strings ctx->language_code = (*ctx->string_table)[0][ctx->language_index + 2]; ctx->strings = &ctx->string_table_map[ctx->language_code]; // Update language in config (*ctx->config)["language"] = ctx->language_code; ctx->logger->log("Language changed to \"" + ctx->language_code + "\""); // Reload fonts ctx->logger->push_task("Reloading fonts"); try { game::load_fonts(ctx); } catch (...) { ctx->logger->pop_task(EXIT_FAILURE); } ctx->logger->pop_task(EXIT_SUCCESS); update_text_font(ctx); update_text_content(ctx); refresh_texts(ctx); align_texts(ctx); update_text_tweens(ctx); }; auto previous_language_callback = [ctx]() { if (ctx->language_menu_index != 0) return; // Increment language index --ctx->language_index; if (ctx->language_index < 0) ctx->language_index = ctx->language_count - 1; // Find corresponding language code and strings ctx->language_code = (*ctx->string_table)[0][ctx->language_index + 2]; ctx->strings = &ctx->string_table_map[ctx->language_code]; // Update language in config (*ctx->config)["language"] = ctx->language_code; ctx->logger->log("Language changed to \"" + ctx->language_code + "\""); // Reload fonts ctx->logger->push_task("Reloading fonts"); try { game::load_fonts(ctx); } catch (...) { ctx->logger->pop_task(EXIT_FAILURE); } ctx->logger->pop_task(EXIT_SUCCESS); update_text_font(ctx); update_text_content(ctx); refresh_texts(ctx); align_texts(ctx); update_text_tweens(ctx); }; // Build list of language menu callbacks ctx->language_menu_callbacks.push_back(next_language_callback); ctx->language_menu_callbacks.push_back(menu_back_callback); ctx->controls["menu_down"]->set_activated_callback ( [ctx]() { ++ctx->language_menu_index; if (ctx->language_menu_index >= ctx->language_menu_texts.size()) ctx->language_menu_index = 0; update_text_color(ctx); } ); ctx->controls["menu_up"]->set_activated_callback ( [ctx]() { --ctx->language_menu_index; if (ctx->language_menu_index < 0) ctx->language_menu_index = ctx->language_menu_texts.size() - 1; update_text_color(ctx); } ); ctx->controls["menu_left"]->set_activated_callback(previous_language_callback); ctx->controls["menu_right"]->set_activated_callback(next_language_callback); ctx->controls["menu_select"]->set_activated_callback ( [ctx]() { auto callback = ctx->language_menu_callbacks[ctx->language_menu_index]; if (callback != nullptr) callback(); } ); ctx->controls["menu_back"]->set_activated_callback(menu_back_callback); for (scene::text* text: ctx->language_menu_texts) ctx->ui_scene->add_object(text); update_text_font(ctx); update_text_color(ctx); update_text_content(ctx); align_texts(ctx); update_text_tweens(ctx); } void exit(game::context* ctx) { // Clear control callbacks ctx->controls["menu_down"]->set_activated_callback(nullptr); ctx->controls["menu_up"]->set_activated_callback(nullptr); ctx->controls["menu_left"]->set_activated_callback(nullptr); ctx->controls["menu_right"]->set_activated_callback(nullptr); ctx->controls["menu_select"]->set_activated_callback(nullptr); ctx->controls["menu_back"]->set_activated_callback(nullptr); // Clear language menu callbacks ctx->language_menu_callbacks.clear(); // Destruct language menu texts for (scene::text* text: ctx->language_menu_texts) { ctx->ui_scene->remove_object(text); delete text; } ctx->language_menu_texts.clear(); ctx->ui_clear_pass->set_cleared_buffers(false, true, false); } } // namespace language_menu } // namespace state } // namespace game