/* * Copyright (C) 2021 Christopher J. Howard * * This file is part of Antkeeper source code. * * Antkeeper source code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Antkeeper source code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Antkeeper source code. If not, see . */ #include "control.hpp" #include "input/control.hpp" #include "geom/intersection.hpp" #include "animation/ease.hpp" #include "math/math.hpp" #include "entity/commands.hpp" #include "entity/systems/camera.hpp" #include "animation/orbit-cam.hpp" #include "../../nest.hpp" #include namespace entity { namespace system { control::control(entity::registry& registry): updatable(registry) { control_set.add_control(&move_forward_control); control_set.add_control(&move_back_control); control_set.add_control(&move_right_control); control_set.add_control(&move_left_control); control_set.add_control(&rotate_ccw_control); control_set.add_control(&rotate_cw_control); control_set.add_control(&tilt_up_control); control_set.add_control(&tilt_down_control); control_set.add_control(&zoom_in_control); control_set.add_control(&zoom_out_control); control_set.add_control(&adjust_camera_control); control_set.add_control(&ascend_control); control_set.add_control(&descend_control); control_set.add_control(&toggle_view_control); control_set.add_control(&tool_menu_control); control_set.add_control(&equip_lens_control); control_set.add_control(&equip_brush_control); control_set.add_control(&equip_forceps_control); control_set.add_control(&equip_marker_control); control_set.add_control(&equip_container_control); control_set.add_control(&equip_twig_control); control_set.add_control(&next_marker_control); control_set.add_control(&previous_marker_control); control_set.add_control(&use_tool_control); control_set.add_control(&fast_forward_control); control_set.add_control(&rewind_control); control_set.add_control(&exposure_increase_control); control_set.add_control(&exposure_decrease_control); // Set deadzone at 15% for all controls const std::list* controls = control_set.get_controls(); for (input::control* control: *controls) { control->set_deadzone(0.15f); } /* zoom_speed = 5.0f; //1 min_elevation = math::radians(-85.0f); max_elevation = math::radians(85.0f); near_focal_distance = 2.0f; far_focal_distance = 200.0f; near_movement_speed = 10.0f; far_movement_speed = 80.0f; near_fov = math::radians(80.0f); far_fov = math::radians(35.0f); near_clip_near = 0.1f; far_clip_near = 5.0f; near_clip_far = 100.0f; far_clip_far = 2000.0f; nest = nullptr; mouse_angle = 0.0f; old_mouse_angle = mouse_angle; flashlight_turns = 0.0f; flashlight_turns_i = 0; flashlight_turns_f = 0.0f; */ } void control::update(double t, double dt) { /* // Zoom camera if (zoom_in_control.is_active()) camera_system->zoom(zoom_speed * dt); if (zoom_out_control.is_active()) camera_system->zoom(-zoom_speed * dt); // Rotate camera const float rotation_speed = math::radians(270.0f); if (rotate_ccw_control.is_active()) camera_system->pan(rotation_speed * dt * std::min(1.0f, rotate_ccw_control.get_current_value())); if (rotate_cw_control.is_active()) camera_system->pan(-rotation_speed * dt * std::min(1.0f, rotate_cw_control.get_current_value())); // Exposure if (camera_system->get_camera()) { const float exposure = camera_system->get_camera()->get_exposure(); const float exposure_rate = 0.1f; if (exposure_increase_control.is_active()) { camera_system->get_camera()->set_exposure(exposure + exposure_rate); std::cout << "exposure: " << (exposure + exposure_rate) << std::endl; } if (exposure_decrease_control.is_active()) { camera_system->get_camera()->set_exposure(exposure - exposure_rate); std::cout << "exposure: " << (exposure - exposure_rate) << std::endl; } } // Move camera float3 movement{0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}; if (move_right_control.is_active()) movement.x += move_right_control.get_current_value(); if (move_left_control.is_active()) movement.x -= move_left_control.get_current_value(); if (move_forward_control.is_active()) movement.z -= move_forward_control.get_current_value(); if (move_back_control.is_active()) movement.z += move_back_control.get_current_value(); if (math::length_squared(movement) != 0.0f) { std::array speed_limits = {15.0f, 100.0f}; float zoom = camera_system->get_orbit_cam()->get_zoom(); float max_speed = math::log_lerp(speed_limits[1], speed_limits[0], zoom) * dt; float speed = std::min(max_speed, math::length(movement * max_speed)); movement = math::normalize(movement) * speed; const math::quaternion& azimuth_rotation = camera_system->get_orbit_cam()->get_azimuth_rotation(); movement = azimuth_rotation * movement; command::translate(registry, camera_subject_entity, movement); } // Turn flashlight float2 viewport_center = {(viewport[0] + viewport[2]) * 0.5f, (viewport[1] + viewport[3]) * 0.5f}; float2 mouse_direction = math::normalize(mouse_position - viewport_center); old_mouse_angle = mouse_angle; mouse_angle = std::atan2(-mouse_direction.y, mouse_direction.x); if (mouse_angle - old_mouse_angle != 0.0f) { if (mouse_angle - old_mouse_angle <= -math::pi) flashlight_turns_i -= 1; else if (mouse_angle - old_mouse_angle >= math::pi) flashlight_turns_i += 1; flashlight_turns_f = (mouse_angle) / math::two_pi; flashlight_turns = flashlight_turns_i - flashlight_turns_f; if (flashlight_entity != entt::null && nest) { math::transform flashlight_transform = math::identity_transform; float flashlight_depth = nest->get_shaft_depth(*nest->get_central_shaft(), flashlight_turns); flashlight_transform.translation = {0.0f, -flashlight_depth, 0.0f}; flashlight_transform.rotation = math::angle_axis(-flashlight_turns * math::two_pi + math::half_pi, {0, 1, 0}); command::set_transform(registry, flashlight_entity, flashlight_transform, false); if (underground_camera) { underground_camera->look_at({0, -flashlight_depth + 50.0f, 0}, {0, -flashlight_depth, 0}, {0, 0, -1}); } } } */ } void control::set_viewport(const float4& viewport) { this->viewport = viewport; } void control::handle_event(const mouse_moved_event& event) { /* if (adjust_camera_control.is_active()) { bool invert_x = true; bool invert_y = false; float rotation_factor = event.dx; float elevation_factor = event.dy; if (invert_x) { rotation_factor *= -1.0f; } if (invert_y) { elevation_factor *= -1.0f; } float rotation = math::radians(15.0f) * rotation_factor * timestep; float tilt = math::radians(15.0f) * elevation_factor * timestep; camera_system->pan(rotation); camera_system->tilt(tilt); } else if (!adjust_camera_control.was_active()) { mouse_position[0] = event.x; mouse_position[1] = event.y; } */ } void control::handle_event(const window_resized_event& event) { set_viewport({0.0f, 0.0f, static_cast(event.w), static_cast(event.h)}); } } // namespace system } // namespace entity