/* * Copyright (C) 2020 Christopher J. Howard * * This file is part of Antkeeper source code. * * Antkeeper source code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Antkeeper source code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Antkeeper source code. If not, see . */ #include "resource-loader.hpp" #include "resource-manager.hpp" #include "game/biome.hpp" #include "math/angles.hpp" #include #include template static bool load_value(T* value, const nlohmann::json& json, const std::string& name) { if (auto element = json.find(name); element != json.end()) { *value = element.value().get(); return true; } return false; } template static bool load_array(T* value, std::size_t size, const nlohmann::json& json, const std::string& name) { if (auto element = json.find(name); element != json.end()) { std::size_t i = 0; for (auto it = element.value().cbegin(); (it != element.value().cend()) && (i < size); ++it) { *(value++) = it.value().get(); ++i; } return true; } return false; } template <> biome* resource_loader::load(resource_manager* resource_manager, PHYSFS_File* file) { // Read file into buffer std::size_t size = static_cast(PHYSFS_fileLength(file)); std::string buffer; buffer.resize(size); PHYSFS_readBytes(file, &buffer[0], size); // Parse json from file buffer nlohmann::json json = nlohmann::json::parse(buffer); biome* biome = new ::biome(); load_value(&biome->name, json, "name"); float3 location; if (load_array(&location.x, 3, json, "location")) { biome->location = {math::radians(location.x), math::radians(location.y), location.z}; } if (auto terrain = json.find("terrain"); terrain != json.end()) { std::string material_filename; if (load_value(&material_filename, terrain.value(), "material")) { biome->terrain_material = resource_manager->load<::material>(material_filename); } } if (auto weather = json.find("weather"); weather != json.end()) { load_array(&biome->ambient_color.x, 3, weather.value(), "ambient_color"); load_value(&biome->ambient_intensity, weather.value(), "ambient_intensity"); load_value(&biome->sun_azimuth, weather.value(), "sun_azimuth"); biome->sun_azimuth = math::radians(biome->sun_azimuth); load_value(&biome->sun_elevation, weather.value(), "sun_elevation"); biome->sun_elevation = math::radians(biome->sun_elevation); load_array(&biome->sun_color.x, 3, weather.value(), "sun_color"); load_value(&biome->sun_intensity, weather.value(), "sun_intensity"); load_value(&biome->sun_angular_radius, weather.value(), "sun_angular_radius"); biome->sun_angular_radius = math::radians(biome->sun_angular_radius); load_array(&biome->horizon_color.x, 3, weather.value(), "horizon_color"); load_array(&biome->zenith_color.x, 3, weather.value(), "zenith_color"); load_value(&biome->wind_speed, weather.value(), "wind_speed"); load_value(&biome->wind_direction, weather.value(), "wind_direction"); biome->wind_direction = math::radians(biome->wind_direction); std::string sky_palette_filename; if (load_value(&sky_palette_filename, weather.value(), "sky_palette")) { biome->sky_palette = resource_manager->load(sky_palette_filename); } std::string sun_palette_filename; if (load_value(&sun_palette_filename, weather.value(), "sun_palette")) { biome->sun_palette = resource_manager->load(sun_palette_filename); } std::string moon_palette_filename; if (load_value(&moon_palette_filename, weather.value(), "moon_palette")) { biome->moon_palette = resource_manager->load(moon_palette_filename); } std::string ambient_palette_filename; if (load_value(&ambient_palette_filename, weather.value(), "ambient_palette")) { biome->ambient_palette = resource_manager->load(ambient_palette_filename); } std::string shadow_palette_filename; if (load_value(&shadow_palette_filename, weather.value(), "shadow_palette")) { biome->shadow_palette = resource_manager->load(shadow_palette_filename); } } return biome; }