/* * Copyright (C) 2017 Christopher J. Howard * * This file is part of Antkeeper Source Code. * * Antkeeper Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Antkeeper Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Antkeeper Source Code. If not, see . */ #ifndef APPLICATION_HPP #define APPLICATION_HPP #include using namespace Emergent; #include "mesh.hpp" #include "game/terrain.hpp" #include "game/level.hpp" #include "game/biome.hpp" #include "game/terrain.hpp" #include "input.hpp" #include "controls.hpp" #include "settings.hpp" #include "render-passes.hpp" #include "ui/ui.hpp" #include "ui/tween.hpp" class Menu; class ApplicationState; class Colony; class LoadingState; class SplashState; class TitleState; class MainMenuState; class PlayState; class LevelSelectState; class CameraController; class SurfaceCameraController; class TunnelCameraController; class LineBatcher; class ModelLoader; class MaterialLoader; class Toolbar; class PieMenu; /** * Encapsulates the state of the application. */ class Application { public: Application(int argc, char* argv[]); ~Application(); // Executes the application and returns a status code int execute(); // Changes the application state void changeState(ApplicationState* state); // Sets the termination code to be returned when the application finishes void setTerminationCode(int code); // Closes the application void close(int terminationCode); void changeFullscreen(); void changeVerticalSync(); void saveUserSettings(); bool loadScene(); bool loadUI(); bool loadModels(); bool loadControls(); bool loadGame(); void resizeUI(); void enterMenu(std::size_t index); void exitMenu(std::size_t index); void selectMenuItem(std::size_t index); void activateMenuItem(std::size_t index); void selectLevel(std::size_t index); void selectNextLevel(); void selectPreviousLevel(); void enterSelectedLevel(); //void activateLevel(std::size_t index); void enterLevelSelection(); void pauseSimulation(); void unpauseSimulation(); private: ApplicationState* state; ApplicationState* nextState; int terminationCode; public: // SDL SDL_Window* window; SDL_GLContext context; // Paths std::string appDataPath; std::string userDataPath; std::string defaultSettingsFilename; std::string userSettingsFilename; // Settings ParameterDict settings; // Window bool fullscreen; int fullscreenWidth; int fullscreenHeight; int windowedWidth; int windowedHeight; int swapInterval; int width; int height; // State machine LoadingState* loadingState; SplashState* splashState; TitleState* titleState; MainMenuState* mainMenuState; LevelSelectState* levelSelectState; PlayState* playState; // Scene Scene scene; SceneLayer* backgroundLayer; SceneLayer* defaultLayer; SceneLayer* uiLayer; Camera camera; Camera sunlightCamera; Camera uiCamera; Camera bgCamera; DirectionalLight sunlight; Spotlight lensHotspot; Spotlight lensFalloff; ModelInstance forcepsModelInstance; ModelInstance navigatorObject; ModelInstance antModelInstance; ModelInstance antHillModelInstance; ModelInstance nestModelInstance; ModelInstance levelPlaceholderModelInstances[5]; // Graphics Renderer renderer; RenderTarget defaultRenderTarget; RenderTarget shadowMapRenderTarget; GLuint shadowFramebuffer; GLuint shadowDepthTexture; ShadowMapRenderPass shadowMapPass; SoilRenderPass soilPass; LightingRenderPass lightingPass; DebugRenderPass debugPass; Compositor shadowCompositor; Compositor defaultCompositor; BillboardBatch* uiBatch; UIBatcher* uiBatcher; UIRenderPass uiPass; Compositor uiCompositor; BillboardBatch bgBatch; Compositor bgCompositor; VignetteRenderPass vignettePass; SkyboxRenderPass skyboxPass; TextureLoader* textureLoader; MaterialLoader* materialLoader; ModelLoader* modelLoader; // Controls InputManager* inputManager; Keyboard* keyboard; Mouse* mouse; ControlProfile* menuControlProfile; Control menuLeft; Control menuRight; Control menuUp; Control menuDown; Control menuSelect; Control menuCancel; Control toggleFullscreen; Control escape; ControlProfile* gameControlProfile; Control cameraMoveForward; Control cameraMoveBack; Control cameraMoveLeft; Control cameraMoveRight; Control cameraRotateCW; Control cameraRotateCCW; Control cameraZoomIn; Control cameraZoomOut; Control cameraToggleOverheadView; Control cameraToggleNestView; Control walkForward; Control walkBack; Control turnLeft; Control turnRight; Control togglePause; Arcball arcball; // Misc Timer frameTimer; float t; float dt; // UI text ParameterDict strings; float dpi; float fontSizePT; float fontSizePX; Font* menuFont; Font* copyrightFont; // UI textures Texture* splashTexture; Texture* titleTexture; Texture* levelActiveTexture; Texture* levelInactiveTexture; Texture* levelConnectorTexture; Texture* pauseButtonTexture; Texture* playButtonTexture; Texture* rectangularPaletteTexture; Texture* foodIndicatorTexture; Texture* toolBrushTexture; Texture* toolLensTexture; Texture* toolForcepsTexture; Texture* toolTrowelTexture; Texture* toolbarTopTexture; Texture* toolbarBottomTexture; Texture* toolbarMiddleTexture; Texture* toolbarButtonRaisedTexture; Texture* toolbarButtonDepressedTexture; Texture* arcNorthTexture; Texture* arcEastTexture; Texture* arcSouthTexture; Texture* arcWestTexture; Texture* mouseLeftTexture; Texture* mouseRightTexture; // UI elements Vector4 selectedColor; Vector4 deselectedColor; UIContainer* uiRootElement; UIImage* blackoutImage; UIImage* splashImage; UIImage* titleImage; UIContainer* titleScreenInfoContainer; UILabel* copyrightLabel; UILabel* versionLabel; UILabel* frameTimeLabel; UILabel* anyKeyLabel; UILabel* menuSelectorLabel; UIContainer* mainMenuContainer; UIContainer* challengeMenuContainer; UIContainer* experimentMenuContainer; UIContainer* settingsMenuContainer; UILabel* challengeLabel; UILabel* experimentLabel; UILabel* settingsLabel; UILabel* quitLabel; UILabel* loadLabel; UILabel* newLabel; UILabel* experimentBackLabel; UILabel* videoLabel; UILabel* audioLabel; UILabel* controlsLabel; UILabel* gameLabel; UILabel* settingsBackLabel; UIContainer* pauseMenuContainer; UILabel* pausedResumeLabel; UILabel* pausedSaveLabel; UILabel* pausedNewLabel; UILabel* pausedSettingsLabel; UILabel* returnToMainMenuLabel; UILabel* quitToDesktopLabel; UIImage* pauseButtonImage; UIImage* playButtonImage; UIImage* rectangularPaletteImage; UIImage* foodIndicatorImage; UIImage* contextButtonImage0; UIImage* contextButtonImage1; Toolbar* toolbar; PieMenu* pieMenu; // Animation Tweener* tweener; Tween* fadeInTween; Tween* fadeOutTween; Tween* splashFadeInTween; Tween* splashHangTween; Tween* splashFadeOutTween; Tween* titleFadeInTween; Tween* titleFadeOutTween; Tween* copyrightFadeInTween; Tween* copyrightFadeOutTween; Tween* anyKeyFadeInTween; Tween* anyKeyFadeOutTween; Tween* menuFadeInTween; Tween* menuFadeOutTween; Tween* menuSlideInTween; Tween* antHillZoomInTween; Tween* antHillFadeOutTween; Tween* playButtonFadeTween; Tween* cameraTranslationTween; // Menus std::size_t menuCount; Menu** menus; int currentMenuIndex; int selectedMenuItemIndex; UIContainer** menuContainers; Menu* currentMenu; Menu* mainMenu; Menu* challengeMenu; Menu* experimentMenu; Menu* settingsMenu; // Models Model* antModel; Model* antHillModel; Model* nestModel; Model* forcepsModel; Model* levelPlaceholderModel; // Game variables Biosphere biosphere; Campaign campaign; int currentWorldIndex; int currentLevelIndex; int currentPreviewIndex; int previewLevelIndices[5]; int oldPreviewLevelIndices[5]; Level* previewLevels[5]; Level* currentLevel; Colony* colony; SurfaceCameraController* surfaceCam; TunnelCameraController* tunnelCam; bool cameraOverheadView; bool cameraNestView; int toolIndex; bool simulationPaused; bool forcepsClosed; // Debug LineBatcher* lineBatcher; }; #endif // APPLICATION_HPP