/* * Copyright (C) 2021 Christopher J. Howard * * This file is part of Antkeeper source code. * * Antkeeper source code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Antkeeper source code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Antkeeper source code. If not, see . */ #include "subterrain-system.hpp" #include "game/components/model-component.hpp" #include "game/components/cavity-component.hpp" #include "renderer/model.hpp" #include "renderer/material.hpp" #include "geometry/mesh-functions.hpp" #include "renderer/vertex-attributes.hpp" #include "rasterizer/vertex-attribute-type.hpp" #include "rasterizer/drawing-mode.hpp" #include "rasterizer/vertex-buffer.hpp" #include "resources/resource-manager.hpp" #include "geometry/marching-cubes.hpp" #include "geometry/intersection.hpp" #include "scene/scene.hpp" #include "scene/model-instance.hpp" #include "utility/fundamental-types.hpp" #include #include using namespace ecs; /** * An octree containing cubes for the marching cubes algorithm. */ struct cube_tree { public: cube_tree(const aabb& bounds, int max_depth); ~cube_tree(); const bool is_leaf() const; const aabb& get_bounds() const; /// Subdivides all nodes intersecting with a region to the max depth. void subdivide_max(const aabb& region); /// Fills a list with all leaf nodes that intersect with a region. void query_leaves(std::list& nodes, const aabb& region); void visit_leaves(const aabb& region, const std::function& f); /// Counts then number of nodes in the octree. std::size_t size() const; cube_tree* children[8]; float3 corners[8]; float distances[8]; const int max_depth; const int depth; const aabb bounds; private: cube_tree(const aabb& bounds, int max_depth, int depth); void subdivide(); }; cube_tree::cube_tree(const aabb& bounds, int max_depth): cube_tree(bounds, max_depth, 0) {} cube_tree::cube_tree(const aabb& bounds, int max_depth, int depth): bounds(bounds), max_depth(max_depth), depth(depth) { corners[0] = {bounds.min_point.x, bounds.min_point.y, bounds.min_point.z}; corners[1] = {bounds.max_point.x, bounds.min_point.y, bounds.min_point.z}; corners[2] = {bounds.max_point.x, bounds.max_point.y, bounds.min_point.z}; corners[3] = {bounds.min_point.x, bounds.max_point.y, bounds.min_point.z}; corners[4] = {bounds.min_point.x, bounds.min_point.y, bounds.max_point.z}; corners[5] = {bounds.max_point.x, bounds.min_point.y, bounds.max_point.z}; corners[6] = {bounds.max_point.x, bounds.max_point.y, bounds.max_point.z}; corners[7] = {bounds.min_point.x, bounds.max_point.y, bounds.max_point.z}; for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { children[i] = nullptr; distances[i] = -std::numeric_limits::infinity(); // For outside normals //distances[i] = std::numeric_limits::infinity(); } } cube_tree::~cube_tree() { for (cube_tree* child: children) delete child; } void cube_tree::subdivide_max(const aabb& region) { if (depth != max_depth && aabb_aabb_intersection(bounds, region)) { if (is_leaf()) subdivide(); for (cube_tree* child: children) child->subdivide_max(region); } } void cube_tree::query_leaves(std::list& nodes, const aabb& region) { if (aabb_aabb_intersection(bounds, region)) { if (is_leaf()) { nodes.push_back(this); } else { for (cube_tree* child: children) child->query_leaves(nodes, region); } } } void cube_tree::visit_leaves(const aabb& region, const std::function& f) { if (aabb_aabb_intersection(bounds, region)) { if (is_leaf()) { f(*this); } else { for (cube_tree* child: children) child->visit_leaves(region, f); } } } std::size_t cube_tree::size() const { std::size_t node_count = 1; if (!is_leaf()) { for (cube_tree* child: children) node_count += child->size(); } return node_count; } inline const bool cube_tree::is_leaf() const { return (children[0] == nullptr); } inline const aabb& cube_tree::get_bounds() const { return bounds; } void cube_tree::subdivide() { const float3 center = (bounds.min_point + bounds.max_point) * 0.5f; for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { aabb child_bounds; for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) { child_bounds.min_point[j] = std::min(corners[i][j], center[j]); child_bounds.max_point[j] = std::max(corners[i][j], center[j]); } children[i] = new cube_tree(child_bounds, max_depth, depth + 1); } } subterrain_system::subterrain_system(entt::registry& registry, ::resource_manager* resource_manager): entity_system(registry), resource_manager(resource_manager) { // Load subterrain materials subterrain_inside_material = resource_manager->load("subterrain-inside.mtl"); subterrain_inside_material = resource_manager->load("subterrain-outside.mtl"); // Allocate subterrain model subterrain_model = new model(); // Create inside model group subterrain_inside_group = subterrain_model->add_group("inside"); subterrain_inside_group->set_material(resource_manager->load("subterrain-inside.mtl")); subterrain_inside_group->set_drawing_mode(drawing_mode::triangles); subterrain_inside_group->set_start_index(0); subterrain_inside_group->set_index_count(0); // Create outside model group subterrain_outside_group = subterrain_model->add_group("outside"); subterrain_outside_group->set_material(resource_manager->load("subterrain-outside.mtl")); subterrain_outside_group->set_drawing_mode(drawing_mode::triangles); subterrain_outside_group->set_start_index(0); subterrain_outside_group->set_index_count(0); // Determine vertex size (position, normal, barycentric) subterrain_model_vertex_size = 3 + 3 + 3; subterrain_model_vertex_stride = subterrain_model_vertex_size * sizeof(float); // Bind vertex attributes vertex_buffer* vbo = subterrain_model->get_vertex_buffer(); vertex_array* vao = subterrain_model->get_vertex_array(); std::size_t offset = 0; vao->bind_attribute(VERTEX_POSITION_LOCATION, *vbo, 3, vertex_attribute_type::float_32, subterrain_model_vertex_stride, 0); offset += 3; vao->bind_attribute(VERTEX_NORMAL_LOCATION, *vbo, 3, vertex_attribute_type::float_32, subterrain_model_vertex_stride, sizeof(float) * offset); offset += 3; vao->bind_attribute(VERTEX_BARYCENTRIC_LOCATION, *vbo, 3, vertex_attribute_type::float_32, subterrain_model_vertex_stride, sizeof(float) * offset); offset += 3; // Calculate adjusted bounds to fit isosurface resolution //isosurface_resolution = 0.325f; isosurface_resolution = 0.5f; float ideal_volume_size = 200.0f; int octree_depth = std::floor(std::log(ideal_volume_size / isosurface_resolution) / std::log(2)) + 1; float adjusted_volume_size = std::pow(2.0f, octree_depth) * isosurface_resolution; // Set subterrain bounds subterrain_bounds.min_point = float3{-0.5f, -1.0f, -0.5f} * adjusted_volume_size; subterrain_bounds.max_point = float3{ 0.5f, 0.0f, 0.5f} * adjusted_volume_size; // Set subterrain model bounds subterrain_model->set_bounds(subterrain_bounds); // Allocate cube tree cube_tree = new ::cube_tree(subterrain_bounds, octree_depth); // Allocate mesh subterrain_mesh = new mesh(); first_run = true; } subterrain_system::~subterrain_system() { delete subterrain_model; delete subterrain_mesh; } void subterrain_system::update(double t, double dt) { if (first_run) { first_run = false; //auto subterrain_entity = registry.create(); //registry.assign(subterrain_entity, subterrain_model); subterrain_model_instance = new model_instance(subterrain_model); scene->add_object(subterrain_model_instance); } bool digging = false; registry.view().each( [this, &digging](auto entity, auto& cavity) { this->dig(cavity.position, cavity.radius); registry.destroy(entity); digging = true; }); if (digging) { //std::cout << "regenerating subterrain mesh...\n"; regenerate_subterrain_mesh(); //std::cout << "regenerating subterrain mesh... done\n"; //std::cout << "regenerating subterrain model...\n"; regenerate_subterrain_model(); //std::cout << "regenerating subterrain model... done\n"; } } void subterrain_system::set_scene(::scene* scene) { this->scene = scene; } void subterrain_system::regenerate_subterrain_mesh() { delete subterrain_mesh; subterrain_mesh = new mesh(); subterrain_vertices.clear(); subterrain_triangles.clear(); subterrain_vertex_map.clear(); //std::cout << "marching...\n"; merged = 0; march(cube_tree); //std::cout << "merged " << merged << " vertices\n"; //std::cout << "marching...done\n"; //std::cout << "vertex count: " << subterrain_vertices.size() << std::endl; //std::cout << "triangle count: " << subterrain_triangles.size() << std::endl; //std::cout << "creating mesh...\n"; create_triangle_mesh(*subterrain_mesh, subterrain_vertices, subterrain_triangles); //std::cout << "creating mesh... done\n"; } void subterrain_system::march(::cube_tree* node) { if (!node->is_leaf()) { for (::cube_tree* child: node->children) march(child); return; } else if (node->depth != node->max_depth) { return; } // Get node bounds const aabb& bounds = node->get_bounds(); // Polygonize cube float vertex_buffer[12 * 3]; std::uint_fast8_t vertex_count; std::int_fast8_t triangle_buffer[5 * 3]; std::uint_fast8_t triangle_count; const float* corners = &node->corners[0][0]; const float* distances = &node->distances[0]; mc::polygonize(vertex_buffer, &vertex_count, triangle_buffer, &triangle_count, corners, distances); // Remap local vertex buffer indices (0-11) to mesh vertex indices std::uint_fast32_t vertex_remap[12]; for (int i = 0; i < vertex_count; ++i) { const float3& vertex = reinterpret_cast(vertex_buffer[i * 3]); if (auto it = subterrain_vertex_map.find(vertex); it != subterrain_vertex_map.end()) { vertex_remap[i] = it->second; ++merged; } else { vertex_remap[i] = subterrain_vertices.size(); subterrain_vertex_map[vertex] = subterrain_vertices.size(); subterrain_vertices.push_back(vertex); } } // Add triangles for (std::uint_fast32_t i = 0; i < triangle_count; ++i) { subterrain_triangles.push_back( { vertex_remap[triangle_buffer[i * 3]], vertex_remap[triangle_buffer[i * 3 + 1]], vertex_remap[triangle_buffer[i * 3 + 2]] }); } } void subterrain_system::regenerate_subterrain_model() { float3* face_normals = new float3[subterrain_mesh->get_faces().size()]; calculate_face_normals(face_normals, *subterrain_mesh); static const float3 barycentric_coords[3] = { float3{1, 0, 0}, float3{0, 1, 0}, float3{0, 0, 1} }; float* vertex_data = new float[subterrain_model_vertex_size * subterrain_mesh->get_faces().size() * 3]; float* v = vertex_data; for (std::size_t i = 0; i < subterrain_mesh->get_faces().size(); ++i) { mesh::face* face = subterrain_mesh->get_faces()[i]; mesh::edge* ab = face->edge; mesh::edge* bc = face->edge->next; mesh::edge* ca = face->edge->previous; mesh::vertex* a = ab->vertex; mesh::vertex* b = bc->vertex; mesh::vertex* c = ca->vertex; mesh::vertex* vertices[3] = {a, b, c}; for (std::size_t j = 0; j < 3; ++j) { mesh::vertex* vertex = vertices[j]; float3 n = {0, 0, 0}; mesh::edge* start = vertex->edge; mesh::edge* edge = start; do { if (edge->face) { n += face_normals[edge->face->index]; } edge = edge->previous->symmetric; } while (edge != start); n = math::normalize(n); //float3 n = reinterpret_cast(face_normals[i * 3]); *(v++) = vertex->position[0]; *(v++) = vertex->position[1]; *(v++) = vertex->position[2]; *(v++) = n[0]; *(v++) = n[1]; *(v++) = n[2]; *(v++) = barycentric_coords[j][0]; *(v++) = barycentric_coords[j][1]; *(v++) = barycentric_coords[j][2]; } } // Resized VBO and upload vertex data vertex_buffer* vbo = subterrain_model->get_vertex_buffer(); vbo->resize(subterrain_mesh->get_faces().size() * 3 * subterrain_model_vertex_stride, vertex_data); // Deallocate vertex data delete[] face_normals; delete[] vertex_data; // Update model groups subterrain_inside_group->set_index_count(subterrain_mesh->get_faces().size() * 3); subterrain_outside_group->set_index_count(subterrain_mesh->get_faces().size() * 3); } void subterrain_system::dig(const float3& position, float radius) { // Construct region containing the cavity sphere aabb region = {position, position}; for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { region.min_point[i] -= radius + isosurface_resolution; region.max_point[i] += radius + isosurface_resolution; } // Subdivide the octree to the maximum depth within the region cube_tree->subdivide_max(region); // Query all octree leaf nodes within the region std::list<::cube_tree*> nodes; cube_tree->visit_leaves(region, [&position, radius](::cube_tree& node) { for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { // For outside normals (also set node initial distance to +infinity) //float distance = math::length(node->corners[i] - position) - radius; // if (distance < node->distances[i]) float distance = radius - math::length(node.corners[i] - position); if (distance > node.distances[i]) node.distances[i] = distance; } }); }