/* * Copyright (C) 2017 Christopher J. Howard * * This file is part of Antkeeper Source Code. * * Antkeeper Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Antkeeper Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Antkeeper Source Code. If not, see . */ #ifndef AGENT_HPP #define AGENT_HPP #include "navmesh.hpp" #include #include using namespace Emergent; class Obstacle; /*************88 Ant is an agent. Ant combines steering behaviors with different weights. I.E. seek pheromones * 0.5 separation * 0.1 alignment * 0.1 cohesion * 0.1 followWall * 0.2 */ /** * An agent which navigates on a navmesh. */ class Agent { public: Agent(); /** * Adds a force to the agent's acceleration vector. * * @param force Acceleration force */ void applyForce(const Vector3& force); /** * Calculates velocity based on current acceleration vector, then resets acceleration to zero. */ void updateVelocity(); /** * Calculates steering force for the wander behavior. */ Vector3 wander(float dt); /** * Calculates steering force for the seek behavior. */ Vector3 seek(const Vector3& target) const; /** * Calculates steering force for the flee behavior. */ Vector3 flee(const Vector3& target) const; Vector3 containment(const Vector3& probe) const; Vector3 separation(const std::list& neighbors) const; Vector3 forage(const Vector3& leftProbe, const Vector3& rightProbe); void setMaxSpeed(float speed); void setVelocity(const Vector3& velocity); void setMaxAcceleration(float acceleration); void setMass(float mass); void setWanderCircleDistance(float distance); void setWanderCircleRadius(float radius); void setWanderRate(float angle); void setSeparationRadius(float radius); /** * Sets the position of the agent on a navmesh. * * @param triangle Navmesh triangle on which the agent resides * @param position Barycentric position on the specified triangle */ void setPosition(Navmesh::Triangle* triangle, const Vector3& position); /** * Sets the orientation of the agent. This effectively updates the agent's vector basis and rotation quaternion. * * @param forward Normalized forward vector * @param up Normalized up vector */ void setOrientation(const Vector3& newForward, const Vector3& newUp); /* Vector3 followWall(); // or Vector3 followEdge(); Vector3 avoidObstacle(const Obstacle* obstacle); Vector3 alignment(const std::vector* neighbors); Vector3 cohesion(const std::vector* neighbors); */ const Navmesh::Triangle* getNavmeshTriangle() const; Navmesh::Triangle* getNavmeshTriangle(); const Vector3& getBarycentricPosition() const; const Vector3& getPosition() const; const Vector3& getForward() const; const Vector3& getUp() const; const Vector3& getRight() const; const Quaternion& getRotation() const; const Vector3& getVelocity() const; private: Navmesh::Triangle* navmeshTriangle; Vector3 barycentricPosition; Vector3 position; Vector3 forward; Vector3 up; Vector3 right; Quaternion rotation; // Limits float maxSpeed; float maxAcceleration; // Steering forces float mass; Vector3 acceleration; Vector3 velocity; // Wander variables float wanderCircleDistance; float wanderCircleRadius; float wanderRate; Vector3 wanderDirection; float separationRadius; float separationRadiusSquared; }; inline const Navmesh::Triangle* Agent::getNavmeshTriangle() const { return navmeshTriangle; } inline Navmesh::Triangle* Agent::getNavmeshTriangle() { return navmeshTriangle; } inline const Vector3& Agent::getBarycentricPosition() const { return barycentricPosition; } inline const Vector3& Agent::getPosition() const { return position; } inline const Vector3& Agent::getForward() const { return forward; } inline const Vector3& Agent::getUp() const { return up; } inline const Vector3& Agent::getRight() const { return right; } inline const Quaternion& Agent::getRotation() const { return rotation; } inline const Vector3& Agent::getVelocity() const { return velocity; } #endif // AGENT_HPP