@ -1,545 +0,0 @@ |
* Copyright (C) 2017 Christopher J. Howard |
* |
* This file is part of Antkeeper Source Code. |
* |
* Antkeeper Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify |
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by |
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or |
* (at your option) any later version. |
* |
* Antkeeper Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
* GNU General Public License for more details. |
* |
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License |
* along with Antkeeper Source Code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
*/ |
#include "experiment-state.hpp"
#include "../application.hpp"
#include "../camera-controller.hpp"
#include "../ui/ui.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <SDL.h>
ExperimentState::ExperimentState(Application* application): |
ApplicationState(application) |
{} |
ExperimentState::~ExperimentState() |
{} |
void drawShaft(LineBatcher* lineBatcher, const Shaft* shaft); |
void drawChamber(LineBatcher* lineBatcher, const Chamber* chamber) |
{ |
float helixAngle = chamber->parent->getHelixAngle(chamber->relativeDepth); |
float minAngle = helixAngle - chamber->centralAngle * 0.5f; |
float maxAngle = helixAngle + chamber->centralAngle * 0.5f; |
// Find position on helix
Vector3 helixPosition = chamber->parent->getHelixPosition(chamber->relativeDepth); |
helixPosition.y = -helixPosition.y; |
// Move annulus toward helix by the inner radius
Vector3 helixDirection = glm::normalize(Vector3(std::cos(helixAngle), 0.0f, std::sin(helixAngle))); |
Vector3 offset = helixPosition - helixDirection * (chamber->innerRadius - chamber->parent->shaftRadius); |
int stepCount = 10; |
float angleStep = chamber->centralAngle / (float)stepCount; |
for (int i = 0; i < stepCount; ++i) |
{ |
float angle0 = minAngle + angleStep * (float)i; |
float angle1 = minAngle + angleStep * (float)(i + 1); |
float x0 = std::cos(angle0); |
float z0 = std::sin(angle0); |
float x1 = std::cos(angle1); |
float z1 = std::sin(angle1); |
Vector3 innerStart; |
innerStart.x = x0 * chamber->innerRadius; |
innerStart.y = 0.0f; |
innerStart.z = z0 * chamber->innerRadius; |
Vector3 outerStart; |
outerStart.x = x0 * chamber->outerRadius; |
outerStart.y = 0.0f; |
outerStart.z = z0 * chamber->outerRadius; |
Vector3 innerEnd; |
innerEnd.x = x1 * chamber->innerRadius; |
innerEnd.y = 0.0f; |
innerEnd.z = z1 * chamber->innerRadius; |
Vector3 outerEnd; |
outerEnd.x = x1 * chamber->outerRadius; |
outerEnd.y = 0.0f; |
outerEnd.z = z1 * chamber->outerRadius; |
lineBatcher->draw(offset + innerStart, offset + innerEnd); |
lineBatcher->draw(offset + outerStart, offset + outerEnd); |
} |
Vector3 leftWallStart; |
leftWallStart.x = std::cos(minAngle) * chamber->innerRadius; |
leftWallStart.y = 0.0f; |
leftWallStart.z = std::sin(minAngle) * chamber->innerRadius; |
Vector3 leftWallEnd; |
leftWallEnd.x = std::cos(minAngle) * chamber->outerRadius; |
leftWallEnd.y = 0.0f; |
leftWallEnd.z = std::sin(minAngle) * chamber->outerRadius; |
Vector3 rightWallStart; |
rightWallStart.x = std::cos(maxAngle) * chamber->innerRadius; |
rightWallStart.y = 0.0f; |
rightWallStart.z = std::sin(maxAngle) * chamber->innerRadius; |
Vector3 rightWallEnd; |
rightWallEnd.x = std::cos(maxAngle) * chamber->outerRadius; |
rightWallEnd.y = 0.0f; |
rightWallEnd.z = std::sin(maxAngle) * chamber->outerRadius; |
lineBatcher->draw(offset + leftWallStart, offset + leftWallEnd); |
lineBatcher->draw(offset + rightWallStart, offset + rightWallEnd); |
if (chamber->child != nullptr) |
{ |
drawShaft(lineBatcher, chamber->child); |
} |
} |
void drawShaft(LineBatcher* lineBatcher, const Shaft* shaft) |
{ |
// Draw helix
int stepCount = 50; |
float depthStep = shaft->shaftDepth / (float)stepCount; |
for (int i = 0; i < stepCount; ++i) |
{ |
Vector3 start = shaft->getHelixPosition((float)i * depthStep); |
Vector3 end = shaft->getHelixPosition((float)(i + 1) * depthStep); |
start.y = -start.y; |
end.y = -end.y; |
lineBatcher->draw(start, end); |
} |
// Draw children
for (const Chamber* chamber: shaft->children) |
{ |
drawChamber(lineBatcher, chamber); |
} |
} |
void ExperimentState::generateNest() |
{ |
NestParameters params; |
params.randomSeed = std::rand(); |
params.maxShaftGeneration = 2; |
params.minShaftRadius = 0.0f; |
params.maxShaftRadius = 0.0f; |
params.minShaftDepth = 4.0f; |
params.maxShaftDepth = 6.0f; |
params.minShaftHelixRadius = 0.1f; |
params.maxShaftHelixRadius = 1.0f; |
params.minShaftHelixPitch = 0.25f; |
params.maxShaftHelixPitch = 0.75f; |
params.minShaftChamberCount = 1; |
params.maxShaftChamberCount = 5; |
params.minShaftChamberPitch = 0.5f; |
params.maxShaftChamberPitch = 2.0f; |
params.minChamberInnerRadius = 0.2f; |
params.maxChamberInnerRadius = 0.2f; |
params.minChamberOuterRadius = 0.5f; |
params.maxChamberOuterRadius = 0.5f; |
params.minChamberCentralAngle = glm::radians(240.0f); |
params.maxChamberCentralAngle = glm::radians(240.0f); |
nest.setParameters(params); |
nest.generate(); |
// Draw nest
application->lineBatcher->setColor(Vector4(1.0f)); |
application->lineBatcher->setWidth(0.015f); |
application->lineBatcher->begin(); |
drawShaft(application->lineBatcher, nest.getRootShaft()); |
application->lineBatcher->end(); |
} |
void ExperimentState::enter() |
{ |
std::cout << "Entering ExperimentState..." << std::endl; |
std::srand(std::time(0)); |
// BG
application->bgBatch.resize(1); |
BillboardBatch::Range* bgRange = application->bgBatch.addRange(); |
bgRange->start = 0; |
bgRange->length = 1; |
Billboard* bgBillboard = application->bgBatch.getBillboard(0); |
bgBillboard->setDimensions(Vector2(1.0f, 1.0f)); |
bgBillboard->setTranslation(Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.0f)); |
bgBillboard->setTintColor(Vector4(1, 0, 0, 1)); |
application->bgBatch.update(); |
application->vignettePass.setRenderTarget(&application->defaultRenderTarget); |
application->bgCompositor.addPass(&application->vignettePass); |
application->bgCompositor.load(nullptr); |
application->bgCamera.setOrthographic(0, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0, -1.0f, 1.0f); |
application->bgCamera.lookAt(glm::vec3(0), glm::vec3(0, 0, -1), glm::vec3(0, 1, 0)); |
application->bgCamera.setCompositor(&application->bgCompositor); |
application->bgCamera.setCompositeIndex(0); |
application->bgScene.addLayer(); |
application->bgScene.getLayer(0)->addObject(&application->bgCamera); |
application->bgScene.getLayer(0)->addObject(&application->bgBatch); |
SceneLayer* terrainLayer = application->scene.addLayer(); |
SceneLayer* objectsLayer = application->scene.addLayer(); |
terrainLayer->addObject(&application->camera); |
objectsLayer->addObject(&application->camera); |
objectsLayer->addObject(application->antModelInstance); |
objectsLayer->addObject(application->lineBatcher->getBatch()); |
// Create terrain
terrain.create(16, 16, Vector3(150.0f)); |
terrainLayer->addObject(terrain.getSurfaceModel()->createInstance()); |
terrainLayer->addObject(terrain.getSubsurfaceModel()->createInstance()); |
DirectionalLight* lightA = new DirectionalLight(); |
DirectionalLight* lightB = new DirectionalLight(); |
DirectionalLight* lightC = new DirectionalLight(); |
lightA->setColor(glm::vec3(1.0f)); |
lightB->setColor(glm::vec3(0.25f)); |
lightC->setColor(glm::vec3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f)); |
lightA->setDirection(glm::normalize(glm::vec3(0.0, -0.8, -0.2))); |
lightB->setDirection(glm::normalize(glm::vec3(1.0, -.2, 0.0f))); |
lightC->setDirection(glm::normalize(glm::vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0))); |
terrainLayer->addObject(lightA); |
terrainLayer->addObject(lightB); |
terrainLayer->addObject(lightC); |
objectsLayer->addObject(lightA); |
objectsLayer->addObject(lightB); |
objectsLayer->addObject(lightC); |
// Load compositor
application->defaultCompositor.unload(); |
RenderQueue renderQueue; |
const std::list<SceneObject*>* objects = terrainLayer->getObjects(); |
for (const SceneObject* object: *objects) |
renderQueue.queue(object); |
objects = objectsLayer->getObjects(); |
for (const SceneObject* object: *objects) |
renderQueue.queue(object); |
RenderContext renderContext; |
renderContext.camera = nullptr; |
renderContext.layer = objectsLayer; |
renderContext.queue = &renderQueue; |
application->defaultCompositor.load(&renderContext); |
application->camera.setPerspective( |
glm::radians(25.0f), |
(float)application->width / (float)application->height, |
0.5f, |
2000.0f); |
// Setup camera controller
application->surfaceCam->setCamera(&application->camera); |
application->surfaceCam->setFocalPoint(Vector3(0.0f)); |
application->surfaceCam->setFocalDistance(10.0f); |
application->surfaceCam->setElevation(glm::radians(90.0f * (3.0f / 4.0f))); |
application->surfaceCam->setAzimuth(glm::radians(45.0f)); |
application->surfaceCam->setTargetFocalPoint(application->surfaceCam->getFocalPoint()); |
application->surfaceCam->setTargetFocalDistance(application->surfaceCam->getFocalDistance()); |
application->surfaceCam->setTargetElevation(application->surfaceCam->getElevation()); |
application->surfaceCam->setTargetAzimuth(application->surfaceCam->getAzimuth()); |
application->surfaceCam->update(0.0f); |
application->pauseMenuContainer->setVisible(false); |
application->pauseMenuContainer->setActive(false); |
// Generate nest
generateNest(); |
dragging = oldDragging = false; |
application->inputManager->addWindowObserver(this); |
application->mouse->addMouseButtonObserver(this); |
windowResized(application->width, application->height); |
// Start timer
timer.start(); |
} |
void ExperimentState::execute() |
{ |
// Calculate delta time (in seconds)
float dt = static_cast<float>(timer.microseconds().count()) / 1000000.0f; |
timer.reset(); |
// Update controls
application->menuControlProfile->update(); |
application->gameControlProfile->update(); |
// Update input
oldDragging = dragging; |
application->inputManager->update(); |
// Check if application was closed
if (application->inputManager->wasClosed() || application->escape.isTriggered()) |
{ |
application->close(EXIT_SUCCESS); |
return; |
} |
// Check if fullscreen was toggled
if (application->toggleFullscreen.isTriggered() && !application->toggleFullscreen.wasTriggered()) |
{ |
application->changeFullscreen(); |
} |
// Move camera
Vector2 movementVector(0.0f); |
if (application->cameraMoveLeft.isTriggered()) |
movementVector.x -= application->cameraMoveLeft.getCurrentValue(); |
if (application->cameraMoveRight.isTriggered()) |
movementVector.x += application->cameraMoveRight.getCurrentValue(); |
if (application->cameraMoveForward.isTriggered()) |
movementVector.y -= application->cameraMoveForward.getCurrentValue(); |
if (application->cameraMoveBack.isTriggered()) |
movementVector.y += application->cameraMoveBack.getCurrentValue(); |
if (movementVector.x != 0.0f || movementVector.y != 0.0f) |
{ |
movementVector *= 0.005f * application->surfaceCam->getFocalDistance() * dt / (1.0f / 60.0f); |
application->surfaceCam->move(movementVector); |
} |
// Rotate camera
if (application->cameraRotateCW.isTriggered() && !application->cameraRotateCW.wasTriggered()) |
application->surfaceCam->rotate(glm::radians(-90.0f)); |
if (application->cameraRotateCCW.isTriggered() && !application->cameraRotateCCW.wasTriggered()) |
application->surfaceCam->rotate(glm::radians(90.0f)); |
*/ |
float rotationSpeed = glm::radians(3.0f) * dt / (1.0f / 60.0f); |
if (application->cameraRotateCW.isTriggered()) |
application->surfaceCam->rotate(-rotationSpeed); |
if (application->cameraRotateCCW.isTriggered()) |
application->surfaceCam->rotate(rotationSpeed); |
// Zoom camera
float zoomFactor = application->surfaceCam->getFocalDistance() / 20.0f * dt / (1.0f / 60.0f); |
if (application->cameraZoomIn.isTriggered()) |
application->surfaceCam->zoom(zoomFactor * application->cameraZoomIn.getCurrentValue()); |
if (application->cameraZoomOut.isTriggered()) |
application->surfaceCam->zoom(-zoomFactor * application->cameraZoomOut.getCurrentValue()); |
// Enforce camera focal distance constraints
float minFocalDistance = 2.5f; |
float maxFocalDistance = 1000.0f; |
if (application->surfaceCam->getTargetFocalDistance() > maxFocalDistance) |
{ |
application->surfaceCam->setTargetFocalDistance(maxFocalDistance); |
} |
else if (application->surfaceCam->getTargetFocalDistance() < minFocalDistance) |
{ |
application->surfaceCam->setTargetFocalDistance(minFocalDistance); |
} |
// Enforce camera focal point constraints
float worldSize = 150.0f; |
Vector3 boundsMin = Vector3(-worldSize * 0.5f, 0.0f, -worldSize * 0.5f); |
Vector3 boundsMax = Vector3(worldSize * 0.5f, 0.0f, worldSize * 0.5f); |
Vector3 targetFocalPoint = application->surfaceCam->getTargetFocalPoint(); |
targetFocalPoint.x = std::max(boundsMin.x, std::min(boundsMax.x, targetFocalPoint.x)); |
targetFocalPoint.z = std::max(boundsMin.z, std::min(boundsMax.z, targetFocalPoint.z)); |
application->surfaceCam->setTargetFocalPoint(targetFocalPoint); |
// Fixed camera angles
float overheadViewElevation = glm::radians(90.0f * (3.0f / 4.0f)); |
float tiltedViewElevation = glm::radians(30.0f); |
float nestViewElevation = glm::radians(0.0f); |
// Toggle overhead view
if (!application->cameraNestView) |
{ |
if (application->cameraToggleOverheadView.isTriggered() && !application->cameraToggleOverheadView.wasTriggered()) |
{ |
application->cameraOverheadView = !application->cameraOverheadView; |
float elevation = (application->cameraOverheadView) ? overheadViewElevation : tiltedViewElevation; |
application->surfaceCam->setTargetElevation(elevation); |
} |
} |
// Toggle nest view
if (application->cameraToggleNestView.isTriggered() && !application->cameraToggleNestView.wasTriggered()) |
{ |
application->cameraNestView = !application->cameraNestView; |
float elevation = (application->cameraNestView) ? nestViewElevation : (application->cameraOverheadView) ? overheadViewElevation : tiltedViewElevation; |
application->surfaceCam->setTargetElevation(elevation); |
} |
if (application->menuSelect.isTriggered() && !application->menuSelect.wasTriggered()) |
{ |
generateNest(); |
} |
application->surfaceCam->update(dt); |
// Picking
// Pick!!!
glm::ivec2 mousePosition = application->mouse->getCurrentPosition(); |
mousePosition.y = application->height - mousePosition.y; |
Vector4 viewport(0.0f, 0.0f, application->width, application->height); |
Vector3 mouseNear = application->camera.unproject(Vector3(mousePosition.x, mousePosition.y, 0.0f), viewport); |
Vector3 mouseFar = application->camera.unproject(Vector3(mousePosition.x, mousePosition.y, 1.0f), viewport); |
Ray pickingRay; |
pickingRay.origin = mouseNear; |
pickingRay.direction = glm::normalize(mouseFar - mouseNear); |
Vector3 pick; |
if (dragging) |
{ |
auto result = pickingRay.intersects(*terrain.getSurfaceMesh()); |
if (std::get<0>(result)) |
{ |
pick = pickingRay.extrapolate(std::get<1>(result)); |
} |
else |
{ |
Plane plane; |
plane.set(Vector3(0, 1, 0), Vector3(0.0f)); |
auto result = pickingRay.intersects(plane); |
pick = pickingRay.extrapolate(std::get<1>(result)); |
} |
Transform xf = Transform::getIdentity(); |
xf.translation = pick; |
application->antModelInstance->setTransform(xf); |
if (!oldDragging) |
{ |
dragStart = pick; |
} |
dragEnd = pick; |
Vector3 dragMin; |
dragMin.x = std::min(dragStart.x, dragEnd.x); |
dragMin.y = std::min(dragStart.y, dragEnd.y); |
dragMin.z = std::min(dragStart.z, dragEnd.z); |
Vector3 dragMax; |
dragMax.x = std::max(dragStart.x, dragEnd.x); |
dragMax.y = std::max(dragStart.y, dragEnd.y); |
dragMax.z = std::max(dragStart.z, dragEnd.z); |
float halfWorldSize = worldSize * 0.5f; |
application->clippingPlaneOffsets[0] = Vector3(dragMax.x, -halfWorldSize, 0.0f); |
application->clippingPlaneOffsets[1] = Vector3(0.0f, -halfWorldSize, dragMin.z); |
application->clippingPlaneOffsets[2] = Vector3(dragMin.x, -halfWorldSize, 0.0f); |
application->clippingPlaneOffsets[3] = Vector3(0.0f, -halfWorldSize, dragMax.z); |
} |
*/ |
// Calculate clipping planes
float halfWorldSize = worldSize * 0.5f; |
application->lineBatcher->getBatch()->update(); |
// Perform tweening
application->tweener->update(dt); |
// Update UI
application->uiRootElement->update(); |
// Clear to black
// Render background
application->renderer.render(application->bgScene); |
// Render scene
application->renderer.render(application->scene); |
// Form billboard batch for UI then render UI scene
application->uiBatcher->batch(application->uiBatch, application->uiRootElement); |
application->renderer.render(application->uiScene); |
// Swap buffers
SDL_GL_SwapWindow(application->window); |
} |
void ExperimentState::exit() |
{ |
std::cout << "Exiting ExperimentState..." << std::endl; |
application->inputManager->removeWindowObserver(this); |
} |
void ExperimentState::windowClosed() |
{ |
application->close(EXIT_SUCCESS); |
} |
void ExperimentState::windowResized(int width, int height) |
{ |
// Update application dimensions
application->width = width; |
application->height = height; |
if (application->fullscreen) |
{ |
application->fullscreenWidth = width; |
application->fullscreenHeight = height; |
} |
else |
{ |
application->windowedWidth = width; |
application->windowedHeight = height; |
} |
// Setup default render target
application->defaultRenderTarget.width = application->width; |
application->defaultRenderTarget.height = application->height; |
// UI camera
application->uiCamera.setOrthographic(0, application->width, application->height, 0, -1.0f, 1.0f); |
// 3D camera
application->camera.setPerspective( |
glm::radians(25.0f), |
(float)application->width / (float)application->height, |
0.5f, |
2000.0f); |
} |
void ExperimentState::mouseButtonPressed(int button, int x, int y) |
{ |
dragging = true; |
} |
void ExperimentState::mouseButtonReleased(int button, int x, int y) |
{ |
dragging = false; |
} |