@ -21,9 +21,13 @@ |
#include "entity/archetype.hpp"
#include "entity/commands.hpp"
#include "entity/components/observer.hpp"
#include "entity/components/camera-follow.hpp"
#include "entity/components/camera.hpp"
#include "entity/components/terrain.hpp"
#include "entity/components/transform.hpp"
#include "entity/components/chamber.hpp"
#include "entity/components/constraints/spring-to.hpp"
#include "entity/components/constraints/three-dof.hpp"
#include "entity/components/constraint-stack.hpp"
#include "entity/systems/control.hpp"
#include "entity/systems/camera.hpp"
#include "entity/systems/tool.hpp"
@ -31,48 +35,34 @@ |
#include "animation/ease.hpp"
#include "resources/resource-manager.hpp"
#include "renderer/passes/sky-pass.hpp"
#include "application.hpp"
#include <iostream>
namespace game { |
namespace state { |
namespace brood { |
static void setup_nest(game::context* ctx); |
static void setup_ants(game::context* ctx); |
static void setup_camera(game::context* ctx); |
static void setup_controls(game::context* ctx); |
void enter(game::context* ctx) |
{ |
// Switch to underground camera
ctx->surface_camera->set_active(false); |
ctx->underground_camera->set_active(true); |
setup_nest(ctx); |
setup_ants(ctx); |
setup_camera(ctx); |
setup_controls(ctx); |
ctx->underground_ambient_light->set_intensity(1.0f); |
// Create camera focal point
{ |
entity::component::transform focal_point_transform; |
focal_point_transform.local = math::identity_transform<float>; |
focal_point_transform.warp = true; |
ctx->entity_registry->assign_or_replace<entity::component::transform>(ctx->focal_point_entity, focal_point_transform); |
entity::component::camera_follow focal_point_follow; |
ctx->entity_registry->assign_or_replace<entity::component::camera_follow>(ctx->focal_point_entity, focal_point_follow); |
} |
// Setup camera
ctx->underground_camera->look_at({0, 0, 1}, {0, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 0}); |
ctx->underground_camera->set_exposure(0.0f); |
ctx->camera_system->set_camera(ctx->underground_camera); |
ctx->tool_system->set_camera(ctx->underground_camera); |
ctx->tool_system->set_orbit_cam(ctx->camera_system->get_orbit_cam()); |
entity::system::control* control_system = ctx->control_system; |
control_system->update(0.0, 0.0); |
control_system->set_nest(nullptr); |
// Create larva
{ |
entity::archetype* larva_archetype = ctx->resource_manager->load<entity::archetype>("ant-larva.ent"); |
auto larva_eid = larva_archetype->create(*ctx->entity_registry); |
entity::command::warp_to(*ctx->entity_registry, larva_eid, {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}); |
entity::command::assign_render_layers(*ctx->entity_registry, larva_eid, 0b1); |
entity::command::rename(*ctx->entity_registry, larva_eid, "larva"); |
} |
// Create cocoon
@ -81,8 +71,10 @@ void enter(game::context* ctx) |
auto cocoon_eid = cocoon_archetype->create(*ctx->entity_registry); |
entity::command::warp_to(*ctx->entity_registry, cocoon_eid, {-50, 0.1935f, 0}); |
entity::command::assign_render_layers(*ctx->entity_registry, cocoon_eid, 0b1); |
entity::command::rename(*ctx->entity_registry, cocoon_eid, "cocoon"); |
} |
// Reset tweening
ctx->underground_scene->update_tweens(); |
// Start fade in
@ -92,6 +84,348 @@ void enter(game::context* ctx) |
void exit(game::context* ctx) |
{} |
void setup_nest(game::context* ctx) |
{ |
// Find or create nest central shaft entity
entity::id shaft_eid = entity::command::find(*ctx->entity_registry, "shaft"); |
if (shaft_eid == entt::null) |
{ |
shaft_eid = entity::command::create(*ctx->entity_registry, "shaft"); |
entity::component::transform transform; |
transform.local = math::identity_transform<float>; |
transform.world = transform.local; |
transform.warp = true; |
ctx->entity_registry->assign<entity::component::transform>(shaft_eid, transform); |
} |
// Find or create nest lobby chamber entity
entity::id lobby_eid = entity::command::find(*ctx->entity_registry, "lobby"); |
if (lobby_eid == entt::null) |
{ |
lobby_eid = entity::command::create(*ctx->entity_registry, "lobby"); |
entity::component::chamber chamber; |
chamber.shaft_eid = shaft_eid; |
chamber.distance = 10.0f; |
chamber.previous_chamber_eid = entt::null; |
chamber.next_chamber_eid = entt::null; |
} |
// Find or create nest shaft elevator entity
entity::id elevator_eid = entity::command::find(*ctx->entity_registry, "elevator"); |
if (elevator_eid == entt::null) |
{ |
elevator_eid = entity::command::create(*ctx->entity_registry, "elevator"); |
// Create transform component
entity::component::transform transform; |
transform.local = math::identity_transform<float>; |
transform.world = transform.local; |
transform.warp = true; |
ctx->entity_registry->assign<entity::component::transform>(elevator_eid, transform); |
entity::component::constraint::follow_curve follow_curve; |
follow_curve.target_eid = shaft_eid; |
follow_curve.offset = 10.0f; |
*/ |
} |
} |
void setup_ants(game::context* ctx) |
{ |
// Find or create queen ant entity
entity::id queen_eid = entity::command::find(*ctx->entity_registry, "queen"); |
if (queen_eid == entt::null) |
{ |
queen_eid = entity::command::create(*ctx->entity_registry, "queen"); |
} |
} |
void setup_camera(game::context* ctx) |
{ |
// Switch to underground camera
ctx->surface_camera->set_active(false); |
ctx->underground_camera->set_active(true); |
// Get underground camera entity
entity::id camera_eid = entity::command::find(*ctx->entity_registry, "underground_cam"); |
if (camera_eid == entt::null) |
{ |
// Create camera target entity
entity::id target_eid = entity::command::create(*ctx->entity_registry, "underground_cam_target"); |
{ |
// Transform
entity::component::transform target_transform; |
target_transform.local = math::identity_transform<float>; |
target_transform.world = target_transform.local; |
target_transform.warp = true; |
ctx->entity_registry->assign<entity::component::transform>(target_eid, target_transform); |
// 3DOF constraint
entity::id three_dof_eid = entity::command::create(*ctx->entity_registry, "underground_cam_3dof"); |
entity::component::constraint::three_dof three_dof; |
three_dof.yaw = 0.0f; |
three_dof.pitch = 0.0f; |
three_dof.roll = 0.0f; |
ctx->entity_registry->assign<entity::component::constraint::three_dof>(three_dof_eid, three_dof); |
entity::component::constraint_stack_node node; |
node.active = true; |
node.weight = 1.0f; |
node.next = entt::null; |
ctx->entity_registry->assign<entity::component::constraint_stack_node>(three_dof_eid, node); |
// Create target constraint stack component
entity::component::constraint_stack constraint_stack; |
constraint_stack.head = three_dof_eid; |
ctx->entity_registry->assign<entity::component::constraint_stack>(target_eid, constraint_stack); |
} |
// Create camera entity
camera_eid = entity::command::create(*ctx->entity_registry, "underground_cam"); |
// Create camera transform component
entity::component::transform transform; |
transform.local = math::identity_transform<float>; |
transform.world = transform.local; |
transform.warp = true; |
ctx->entity_registry->assign<entity::component::transform>(camera_eid, transform); |
// Create camera camera component
entity::component::camera camera; |
camera.object = ctx->underground_camera; |
ctx->entity_registry->assign<entity::component::camera>(camera_eid, camera); |
// Create camera spring to constraint entity
entity::id spring_constraint_eid = entity::command::create(*ctx->entity_registry); |
{ |
// Create spring to constraint
entity::component::constraint::spring_to spring; |
spring.target = target_eid; |
spring.translation = {{0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}, {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}, {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}, 1.0f, math::two_pi<float>}; |
spring.translation.w = hz_to_rads(8.0f); |
spring.rotation = {{1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}, {1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}, {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}, 1.0f, math::two_pi<float>}; |
spring.rotation.w = hz_to_rads(8.0f); |
spring.spring_translation = true; |
spring.spring_rotation = true; |
ctx->entity_registry->assign<entity::component::constraint::spring_to>(spring_constraint_eid, spring); |
// Create constraint stack node component
entity::component::constraint_stack_node node; |
node.active = true; |
node.weight = 1.0f; |
node.next = entt::null; |
ctx->entity_registry->assign<entity::component::constraint_stack_node>(spring_constraint_eid, node); |
} |
// Create camera constraint stack component
entity::component::constraint_stack constraint_stack; |
constraint_stack.head = spring_constraint_eid; |
ctx->entity_registry->assign<entity::component::constraint_stack>(camera_eid, constraint_stack); |
} |
entity::component::orbit_rig orbit; |
orbit.azimuth_min = -std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity(); |
orbit.azimuth_max = std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity(); |
orbit.elevation_min = math::radians(-89.0f); |
orbit.elevation_max = math::radians(89.0f); |
orbit.dolly_min = 2.0f; |
orbit.dolly_max = 200.0f; |
orbit.fov_near = math::radians(80.0f); |
orbit.fov_far = math::radians(35.0f); |
orbit.clip_near_min = 0.1f; |
orbit.clip_near_max = 5.0f; |
orbit.clip_far_min = 100.0f; |
orbit.clip_far_max = 5000.0f; |
*/ |
ctx->underground_camera->set_exposure(0.0f); |
} |
void setup_controls(game::context* ctx) |
{ |
// Get underground camera entity
entity::id camera_eid = entity::command::find(*ctx->entity_registry, "underground_cam"); |
entity::id target_eid = entity::command::find(*ctx->entity_registry, "underground_cam_target"); |
entity::id three_dof_eid = entity::command::find(*ctx->entity_registry, "underground_cam_3dof"); |
const float dolly_speed = 10.0f; |
const float truck_speed = dolly_speed; |
const float pedestal_speed = 20.0f; |
const float pan_speed = math::radians(10.0f); |
const float tilt_speed = pan_speed; |
ctx->camera_control_dolly_forward->set_active_callback |
( |
[ctx, target_eid, three_dof_eid, truck_speed](float value) |
{ |
auto& three_dof = ctx->entity_registry->get<entity::component::constraint::three_dof>(three_dof_eid); |
const math::quaternion<float> yaw = math::angle_axis(three_dof.yaw, {0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f}); |
const float3 movement = {0.0f, 0.0f, -truck_speed * value * (1.0f / 60.0f)}; |
entity::command::translate(*ctx->entity_registry, target_eid, yaw * movement); |
} |
); |
ctx->camera_control_dolly_backward->set_active_callback |
( |
[ctx, target_eid, three_dof_eid, truck_speed](float value) |
{ |
auto& three_dof = ctx->entity_registry->get<entity::component::constraint::three_dof>(three_dof_eid); |
const math::quaternion<float> yaw = math::angle_axis(three_dof.yaw, {0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f}); |
const float3 movement = {0.0f, 0.0f, truck_speed * value * (1.0f / 60.0f)}; |
entity::command::translate(*ctx->entity_registry, target_eid, yaw * movement); |
} |
); |
ctx->camera_control_truck_right->set_active_callback |
( |
[ctx, target_eid, three_dof_eid, truck_speed](float value) |
{ |
auto& three_dof = ctx->entity_registry->get<entity::component::constraint::three_dof>(three_dof_eid); |
const math::quaternion<float> yaw = math::angle_axis(three_dof.yaw, {0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f}); |
const float3 movement = {truck_speed * value * (1.0f / 60.0f), 0.0f, 0.0f}; |
entity::command::translate(*ctx->entity_registry, target_eid, yaw * movement); |
} |
); |
ctx->camera_control_truck_left->set_active_callback |
( |
[ctx, target_eid, three_dof_eid, truck_speed](float value) |
{ |
auto& three_dof = ctx->entity_registry->get<entity::component::constraint::three_dof>(three_dof_eid); |
const math::quaternion<float> yaw = math::angle_axis(three_dof.yaw, {0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f}); |
const float3 movement = {-truck_speed * value * (1.0f / 60.0f), 0.0f, 0.0f}; |
entity::command::translate(*ctx->entity_registry, target_eid, yaw * movement); |
} |
); |
// Pedestal up
ctx->camera_control_pedestal_up->set_activated_callback |
( |
[ctx, target_eid]() |
{ |
if (ctx->camera_control_modifier->is_active()) |
{ |
// Snap to chamber
// Find closest chamber
// Pedestal to chamber + offset
} |
} |
); |
ctx->camera_control_pedestal_up->set_active_callback |
( |
[ctx, target_eid, pedestal_speed](float value) |
{ |
if (!ctx->camera_control_modifier->is_active()) |
{ |
const float3 movement = {0.0f, pedestal_speed * value * (1.0f / 60.0f), 0.0f}; |
entity::command::translate(*ctx->entity_registry, target_eid, movement); |
} |
} |
); |
// Pedestal down
ctx->camera_control_pedestal_down->set_activated_callback |
( |
[ctx, target_eid]() |
{ |
} |
); |
ctx->camera_control_pedestal_down->set_active_callback |
( |
[ctx, target_eid, pedestal_speed](float value) |
{ |
if (!ctx->camera_control_modifier->is_active()) |
{ |
const float3 movement = {0.0f, -pedestal_speed * value * (1.0f / 60.0f), 0.0f}; |
entity::command::translate(*ctx->entity_registry, target_eid, movement); |
} |
} |
); |
ctx->camera_control_orbit->set_activated_callback |
( |
[ctx]() |
{ |
ctx->app->set_relative_mouse_mode(true); |
} |
); |
ctx->camera_control_orbit->set_deactivated_callback |
( |
[ctx]() |
{ |
ctx->app->set_relative_mouse_mode(false); |
} |
); |
// Pan left
ctx->camera_control_mouse_left->set_active_callback |
( |
[ctx, three_dof_eid, pan_speed](float value) |
{ |
if (!ctx->camera_control_orbit->is_active()) |
return; |
auto& three_dof = ctx->entity_registry->get<entity::component::constraint::three_dof>(three_dof_eid); |
three_dof.yaw += pan_speed * value * (1.0f / 60.0f); |
} |
); |
// Pan right
ctx->camera_control_mouse_right->set_active_callback |
( |
[ctx, three_dof_eid, pan_speed](float value) |
{ |
if (!ctx->camera_control_orbit->is_active()) |
return; |
auto& three_dof = ctx->entity_registry->get<entity::component::constraint::three_dof>(three_dof_eid); |
three_dof.yaw -= pan_speed * value * (1.0f / 60.0f); |
} |
); |
// Tilt up
ctx->camera_control_mouse_up->set_active_callback |
( |
[ctx, three_dof_eid, tilt_speed](float value) |
{ |
if (!ctx->camera_control_orbit->is_active()) |
return; |
auto& three_dof = ctx->entity_registry->get<entity::component::constraint::three_dof>(three_dof_eid); |
three_dof.pitch -= tilt_speed * value * (1.0f / 60.0f); |
three_dof.pitch = std::max<float>(math::radians(-89.0f), three_dof.pitch); |
} |
); |
// Tilt down
ctx->camera_control_mouse_down->set_active_callback |
( |
[ctx, three_dof_eid, tilt_speed](float value) |
{ |
if (!ctx->camera_control_orbit->is_active()) |
return; |
auto& three_dof = ctx->entity_registry->get<entity::component::constraint::three_dof>(three_dof_eid); |
three_dof.pitch += tilt_speed * value * (1.0f / 60.0f); |
three_dof.pitch = std::min<float>(math::radians(89.0f), three_dof.pitch); |
} |
); |
} |
} // namespace brood
} // namespace state
} // namespace game