@ -205,6 +205,71 @@ Application::Application(int argc, char* argv[]): |
resolution = resolutions[windowedResolutionIndex]; |
} |
// Get requested language
languageIndex = 0; |
std::string requestedLanguage; |
settings.get("language", &requestedLanguage); |
// Find available languages
{ |
std::string stringsDirectory = appDataPath + "strings/"; |
// Open strings directory
DIR* dir = opendir(stringsDirectory.c_str()); |
if (dir == nullptr) |
{ |
std::cout << "Failed to open strings directory \"" << stringsDirectory << "\"" << std::endl; |
close(EXIT_FAILURE); |
return; |
} |
// Scan directory for .txt files
for (struct dirent* entry = readdir(dir); entry != nullptr; entry = readdir(dir)) |
{ |
if (entry->d_type == DT_DIR || *entry->d_name == '.') |
{ |
continue; |
} |
std::string filename = entry->d_name; |
std::string::size_type delimeter = filename.find_last_of('.'); |
if (delimeter == std::string::npos) |
{ |
continue; |
} |
std::string extension = filename.substr(delimeter + 1); |
if (extension != "txt") |
{ |
continue; |
} |
// Add language
std::string language = filename.substr(0, delimeter); |
languages.push_back(language); |
if (language == requestedLanguage) |
{ |
languageIndex = languages.size() - 1; |
} |
} |
// Close biomes directory
closedir(dir); |
} |
// Load strings
std::string stringsFile = appDataPath + "strings/" + languages[languageIndex] + ".txt"; |
std::cout << "Loading strings from \"" << stringsFile << "\"... "; |
if (!strings.load(stringsFile)) |
{ |
std::cout << "failed" << std::endl; |
} |
else |
{ |
std::cout << "success" << std::endl; |
} |
// Get window title string
std::string title; |
strings.get("title", &title); |
@ -322,71 +387,6 @@ Application::Application(int argc, char* argv[]): |
// Print font size
std::cout << "Base font size is " << fontSizePT << "pt (" << fontSizePX << "px)" << std::endl; |
// Get requested language
languageIndex = 0; |
std::string requestedLanguage; |
settings.get("language", &requestedLanguage); |
// Find available languages
{ |
std::string stringsDirectory = appDataPath + "strings/"; |
// Open strings directory
DIR* dir = opendir(stringsDirectory.c_str()); |
if (dir == nullptr) |
{ |
std::cout << "Failed to open strings directory \"" << stringsDirectory << "\"" << std::endl; |
close(EXIT_FAILURE); |
return; |
} |
// Scan directory for .txt files
for (struct dirent* entry = readdir(dir); entry != nullptr; entry = readdir(dir)) |
{ |
if (entry->d_type == DT_DIR || *entry->d_name == '.') |
{ |
continue; |
} |
std::string filename = entry->d_name; |
std::string::size_type delimeter = filename.find_last_of('.'); |
if (delimeter == std::string::npos) |
{ |
continue; |
} |
std::string extension = filename.substr(delimeter + 1); |
if (extension != "txt") |
{ |
continue; |
} |
// Add language
std::string language = filename.substr(0, delimeter); |
languages.push_back(language); |
if (language == requestedLanguage) |
{ |
languageIndex = languages.size() - 1; |
} |
} |
// Close biomes directory
closedir(dir); |
} |
// Load strings
std::string stringsFile = appDataPath + "strings/" + languages[languageIndex] + ".txt"; |
std::cout << "Loading strings from \"" << stringsFile << "\"... "; |
if (!strings.load(stringsFile)) |
{ |
std::cout << "failed" << std::endl; |
} |
else |
{ |
std::cout << "success" << std::endl; |
} |
// Setup input
inputManager = new SDLInputManager(); |
keyboard = (*inputManager->getKeyboards()).front(); |
@ -525,12 +525,14 @@ int Application::execute() |
// Update frame time label
if (frameTimeLabel->isVisible()) |
{ |
std::string frameTimeString; |
std::stringstream stream; |
std::u32string frameTimeString; |
std::basic_stringstream<char32_t> stream; |
stream.precision(2); |
stream << std::fixed << meanFrameTime; |
stream >> frameTimeString; |
frameTimeLabel->setText(frameTimeString); |
*/ |
} |
} |
@ -812,19 +814,19 @@ bool Application::loadUI() |
FontLoader* fontLoader = new FontLoader(); |
menuFont = new Font(512, 512); |
if (!fontLoader->load("data/fonts/Varela-Regular.ttf", static_cast<int>(fontSizePX + 0.5f), menuFont)) |
if (!fontLoader->load("data/fonts/NotoSansCJKsc-Regular.otf", static_cast<int>(fontSizePX + 0.5f), {UnicodeRange::BASIC_LATIN}, menuFont)) |
{ |
std::cerr << "Failed to load menu font" << std::endl; |
} |
copyrightFont = new Font(256, 256); |
if (!fontLoader->load("data/fonts/Varela-Regular.ttf", static_cast<int>(fontSizePX * 0.8f + 0.5f), copyrightFont)) |
if (!fontLoader->load("data/fonts/Varela-Regular.ttf", static_cast<int>(fontSizePX * 0.8f + 0.5f), {UnicodeRange::BASIC_LATIN}, copyrightFont)) |
{ |
std::cerr << "Failed to load copyright font" << std::endl; |
} |
levelNameFont = new Font(512, 512); |
if (!fontLoader->load("data/fonts/Vollkorn-Regular.ttf", static_cast<int>(fontSizePX * 2.0f + 0.5f), levelNameFont)) |
if (!fontLoader->load("data/fonts/Vollkorn-Regular.ttf", static_cast<int>(fontSizePX * 2.0f + 0.5f), {UnicodeRange::BASIC_LATIN}, levelNameFont)) |
{ |
std::cerr << "Failed to load level name font" << std::endl; |
} |
@ -925,10 +927,8 @@ bool Application::loadUI() |
frameTimeLabel = new UILabel(); |
frameTimeLabel->setAnchor(Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f)); |
frameTimeLabel->setLayerOffset(99); |
frameTimeLabel->setFont(copyrightFont); |
frameTimeLabel->setTranslation(Vector2(0.0f)); |
frameTimeLabel->setTintColor(Vector4(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f)); |
frameTimeLabel->setText(""); |
frameTimeLabel->setVisible(false); |
uiRootElement->addChild(frameTimeLabel); |
@ -939,7 +939,6 @@ bool Application::loadUI() |
// Create "Press any key" element
anyKeyLabel = new UILabel(); |
anyKeyLabel->setAnchor(Vector2(0.5f, 1.0f)); |
anyKeyLabel->setFont(menuFont); |
anyKeyLabel->setTranslation(Vector2(0.0f, (int)(-resolution.y * (1.0f / 4.0f) - menuFont->getMetrics().getHeight() * 0.5f))); |
anyKeyLabel->setVisible(false); |
uiRootElement->addChild(anyKeyLabel); |
@ -979,7 +978,6 @@ bool Application::loadUI() |
// Create level name label
levelNameLabel = new UILabel(); |
levelNameLabel->setAnchor(Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f)); |
levelNameLabel->setFont(levelNameFont); |
levelNameLabel->setVisible(false); |
levelNameLabel->setLayerOffset(ANTKEEPER_UI_LAYER_HUD); |
uiRootElement->addChild(levelNameLabel); |
@ -1091,7 +1089,6 @@ bool Application::loadUI() |
// Main menu
{ |
mainMenu->setFont(menuFont); |
mainMenu->getUIContainer()->setAnchor(Vector2(0.5f, 0.8f)); |
mainMenu->getUIContainer()->setLayerOffset(ANTKEEPER_UI_LAYER_MENU); |
mainMenu->setLineSpacing(1.0f); |
@ -1121,7 +1118,6 @@ bool Application::loadUI() |
// Levels menu
{ |
levelsMenu->setFont(menuFont); |
levelsMenu->getUIContainer()->setAnchor(Vector2(0.5f, 0.8f)); |
levelsMenu->getUIContainer()->setLayerOffset(ANTKEEPER_UI_LAYER_MENU); |
levelsMenu->setLineSpacing(1.0f); |
@ -1170,11 +1166,10 @@ bool Application::loadUI() |
// Options menu
{ |
optionsMenu->setFont(menuFont); |
optionsMenu->getUIContainer()->setAnchor(Vector2(0.5f, 0.8f)); |
optionsMenu->getUIContainer()->setLayerOffset(ANTKEEPER_UI_LAYER_MENU); |
optionsMenu->setLineSpacing(1.0f); |
optionsMenu->setColumnMargin(menuFont->getWidth("MM")); |
optionsMenu->setColumnMargin(menuFont->getWidth(U"MM")); |
optionsMenuWindowedResolutionItem = optionsMenu->addItem(); |
optionsMenuFullscreenResolutionItem = optionsMenu->addItem(); |
@ -1231,7 +1226,6 @@ bool Application::loadUI() |
// Pause menu
{ |
pauseMenu->setFont(menuFont); |
pauseMenu->getUIContainer()->setAnchor(Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f)); |
pauseMenu->getUIContainer()->setLayerOffset(ANTKEEPER_UI_LAYER_MENU); |
pauseMenu->setLineSpacing(1.0f); |
@ -1422,55 +1416,95 @@ void Application::resizeUI() |
void Application::restringUI() |
{ |
// Get strings
std::string pressAnyKeyString; |
std::string backString; |
std::string onString; |
std::string offString; |
std::string continueString; |
std::string newGameString; |
std::string levelsString; |
std::string sandboxString; |
std::string optionsString; |
std::string exitString; |
std::string windowedResolutionString; |
std::string fullscreenResolutionString; |
std::string fullscreenString; |
std::string verticalSyncString; |
std::string languageString; |
std::string controlsString; |
std::string resumeString; |
std::string mainMenuString; |
strings.get("press-any-key", &pressAnyKeyString); |
strings.get("back", &backString); |
strings.get("on", &onString); |
strings.get("off", &offString); |
strings.get("continue", &continueString); |
strings.get("new-game", &newGameString); |
strings.get("levels", &levelsString); |
strings.get("sandbox", &sandboxString); |
strings.get("options", &optionsString); |
strings.get("exit", &exitString); |
strings.get("windowed-resolution", &windowedResolutionString); |
strings.get("fullscreen-resolution", &fullscreenResolutionString); |
strings.get("fullscreen", &fullscreenString); |
strings.get("vertical-sync", &verticalSyncString); |
strings.get("language", &languageString); |
strings.get("controls", &controlsString); |
strings.get("resume", &resumeString); |
strings.get("main-menu", &mainMenuString); |
// Build map of UTF-8 string names to UTF-32 string values
std::map<std::string, std::u32string> stringMap; |
const std::map<std::string, std::string>* stringParameters = strings.getParameters(); |
for (auto it = stringParameters->begin(); it != stringParameters->end(); ++it) |
{ |
std::u32string u32value; |
strings.get(it->first, &stringMap[it->first]); |
} |
// Build set of Unicode characters which encompass all strings
std::set<char32_t> unicodeSet; |
for (auto it = stringMap.begin(); it != stringMap.end(); ++it) |
{ |
for (char32_t charcode: it->second) |
{ |
unicodeSet.insert(charcode); |
} |
} |
// Insert basic latin Unicode block
for (char32_t charcode = UnicodeRange::BASIC_LATIN.start; charcode <= UnicodeRange::BASIC_LATIN.end; ++charcode) |
{ |
unicodeSet.insert(charcode); |
} |
// Transform character set into character ranges
std::vector<UnicodeRange> unicodeRanges; |
for (auto it = unicodeSet.begin(); it != unicodeSet.end(); ++it) |
{ |
char32_t charcode = *it; |
unicodeRanges.push_back(UnicodeRange(charcode)); |
} |
// Delete previously loaded fonts
delete menuFont; |
delete copyrightFont; |
delete levelNameFont; |
// Determine fonts for current language
std::string menuFontBasename; |
std::string copyrightFontBasename; |
std::string levelNameFontBasename; |
strings.get("menu-font", &menuFontBasename); |
strings.get("copyright-font", ©rightFontBasename); |
strings.get("level-name-font", &levelNameFontBasename); |
std::string fontsDirectory = appDataPath + "fonts/"; |
// Load fonts with the custom Unicode ranges
FontLoader* fontLoader = new FontLoader(); |
menuFont = new Font(512, 512); |
if (!fontLoader->load(fontsDirectory + menuFontBasename, static_cast<int>(fontSizePX + 0.5f), unicodeRanges, menuFont)) |
{ |
std::cerr << "Failed to load menu font" << std::endl; |
} |
copyrightFont = new Font(256, 256); |
if (!fontLoader->load(fontsDirectory + copyrightFontBasename, static_cast<int>(fontSizePX * 0.8f + 0.5f), unicodeRanges, copyrightFont)) |
{ |
std::cerr << "Failed to load copyright font" << std::endl; |
} |
levelNameFont = new Font(512, 512); |
if (!fontLoader->load(fontsDirectory + levelNameFontBasename, static_cast<int>(fontSizePX * 2.0f + 0.5f), unicodeRanges, levelNameFont)) |
{ |
std::cerr << "Failed to load level name font" << std::endl; |
} |
delete fontLoader; |
// Set fonts
levelNameLabel->setFont(levelNameFont); |
frameTimeLabel->setFont(copyrightFont); |
anyKeyLabel->setFont(menuFont); |
mainMenu->setFont(menuFont); |
levelsMenu->setFont(menuFont); |
optionsMenu->setFont(menuFont); |
pauseMenu->setFont(menuFont); |
// Title screen
anyKeyLabel->setText(pressAnyKeyString); |
anyKeyLabel->setText(stringMap["press-any-key"]); |
// Main menu
mainMenuContinueItem->setName(continueString); |
mainMenuLevelsItem->setName(levelsString); |
mainMenuNewGameItem->setName(newGameString); |
mainMenuSandboxItem->setName(sandboxString); |
mainMenuOptionsItem->setName(optionsString); |
mainMenuExitItem->setName(exitString); |
mainMenuContinueItem->setName(stringMap["continue"]); |
mainMenuLevelsItem->setName(stringMap["levels"]); |
mainMenuNewGameItem->setName(stringMap["new-game"]); |
mainMenuSandboxItem->setName(stringMap["sandbox"]); |
mainMenuOptionsItem->setName(stringMap["options"]); |
mainMenuExitItem->setName(stringMap["exit"]); |
// Levels menu
std::size_t levelItemIndex = 0; |
@ -1479,59 +1513,63 @@ void Application::restringUI() |
for (std::size_t level = 0; level < campaign.getLevelCount(world); ++level) |
{ |
// Look up level name
std::string levelName = getLevelName(world, level); |
std::u32string levelName = getLevelName(world, level); |
// Create label
std::u32string label; |
std::stringstream stream; |
stream << (world + 1) << "-" << (level + 1) << ": " << levelName; |
stream << (world + 1) << "-" << (level + 1) << ": "; |
label = std::wstring_convert<std::codecvt_utf8<char32_t>, char32_t>().from_bytes(stream.str()) + levelName; |
*/ |
// Set item name
MenuItem* levelItem = levelsMenu->getItem(levelItemIndex); |
levelItem->setName(stream.str()); |
levelItem->setName(levelName); |
++levelItemIndex; |
} |
} |
levelsMenuBackItem->setName(backString); |
levelsMenuBackItem->setName(stringMap["back"]); |
// Options menu
optionsMenuWindowedResolutionItem->setName(windowedResolutionString); |
optionsMenuFullscreenResolutionItem->setName(fullscreenResolutionString); |
optionsMenuWindowedResolutionItem->setName(stringMap["windowed-resolution"]); |
optionsMenuFullscreenResolutionItem->setName(stringMap["fullscreen-resolution"]); |
std::size_t resolutionIndex = 0; |
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < resolutions.size(); ++i) |
{ |
std::u32string label; |
std::stringstream stream; |
stream << resolutions[i].x << "x" << resolutions[i].y; |
std::string streamstring = stream.str(); |
label.assign(streamstring.begin(), streamstring.end()); |
optionsMenuWindowedResolutionItem->setValueName(i, stream.str()); |
optionsMenuFullscreenResolutionItem->setValueName(i, stream.str()); |
optionsMenuWindowedResolutionItem->setValueName(i, label); |
optionsMenuFullscreenResolutionItem->setValueName(i, label); |
} |
optionsMenuFullscreenItem->setName(fullscreenString); |
optionsMenuFullscreenItem->setValueName(0, offString); |
optionsMenuFullscreenItem->setValueName(1, onString); |
optionsMenuVSyncItem->setName(verticalSyncString); |
optionsMenuVSyncItem->setValueName(0, offString); |
optionsMenuVSyncItem->setValueName(1, onString); |
optionsMenuFullscreenItem->setName(stringMap["fullscreen"]); |
optionsMenuFullscreenItem->setValueName(0, stringMap["off"]); |
optionsMenuFullscreenItem->setValueName(1, stringMap["on"]); |
optionsMenuVSyncItem->setName(stringMap["vertical-sync"]); |
optionsMenuVSyncItem->setValueName(0, stringMap["off"]); |
optionsMenuVSyncItem->setValueName(1, stringMap["on"]); |
optionsMenuLanguageItem->setName(languageString); |
optionsMenuLanguageItem->setName(stringMap["language"]); |
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < languages.size(); ++i) |
{ |
std::string languageName; |
strings.get(languages[i], &languageName); |
optionsMenuLanguageItem->setValueName(i, languageName); |
optionsMenuLanguageItem->setValueName(i, stringMap[languages[i]]); |
} |
optionsMenuControlsItem->setName(controlsString); |
optionsMenuBackItem->setName(backString); |
optionsMenuControlsItem->setName(stringMap["controls"]); |
optionsMenuBackItem->setName(stringMap["back"]); |
// Pause menu
pauseMenuResumeItem->setName(resumeString); |
pauseMenuLevelsItem->setName(levelsString); |
pauseMenuOptionsItem->setName(optionsString); |
pauseMenuMainMenuItem->setName(mainMenuString); |
pauseMenuExitItem->setName(exitString); |
pauseMenuResumeItem->setName(stringMap["resume"]); |
pauseMenuLevelsItem->setName(stringMap["levels"]); |
pauseMenuOptionsItem->setName(stringMap["options"]); |
pauseMenuMainMenuItem->setName(stringMap["main-menu"]); |
pauseMenuExitItem->setName(stringMap["exit"]); |
} |
void Application::openMenu(Menu* menu) |
@ -1780,7 +1818,7 @@ void Application::setDisplayDebugInfo(bool display) |
depthTextureImage->setVisible(displayDebugInfo); |
} |
std::string Application::getLevelName(std::size_t world, std::size_t level) const |
std::u32string Application::getLevelName(std::size_t world, std::size_t level) const |
{ |
// Form level ID string
char levelIDBuffer[6]; |
@ -1788,7 +1826,7 @@ std::string Application::getLevelName(std::size_t world, std::size_t level) cons |
std::string levelID(levelIDBuffer); |
// Look up level name
std::string levelName; |
std::u32string levelName; |
strings.get(levelIDBuffer, &levelName); |
return levelName; |
@ -1951,6 +1989,11 @@ void Application::selectLanguage(std::size_t index) |
settings.set("language", languages[languageIndex]); |
saveUserSettings(); |
// Change window title
std::string title; |
strings.get("title", &title); |
SDL_SetWindowTitle(window, title.c_str()); |
// Restring UI
restringUI(); |
} |