@ -1,330 +0,0 @@ |
* Copyright (C) 2021 Christopher J. Howard |
* |
* This file is part of Antkeeper source code. |
* |
* Antkeeper source code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify |
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by |
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or |
* (at your option) any later version. |
* |
* Antkeeper source code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
* GNU General Public License for more details. |
* |
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License |
* along with Antkeeper source code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
*/ |
#include "tool.hpp"
#include "entity/components/collision.hpp"
#include "entity/components/tool.hpp"
#include "entity/components/transform.hpp"
#include "event/event-dispatcher.hpp"
#include "game/events/tool-events.hpp"
#include "animation/ease.hpp"
#include "geom/mesh.hpp"
#include "geom/intersection.hpp"
#include "math/math.hpp"
#include "entity/commands.hpp"
namespace entity { |
namespace system { |
tool::tool(entity::registry& registry, ::event_dispatcher* event_dispatcher): |
updatable(registry), |
event_dispatcher(event_dispatcher), |
camera(nullptr), |
viewport{0, 0, 0, 0}, |
mouse_position{0, 0}, |
pick_enabled(true), |
was_pick_enabled(pick_enabled), |
active_tool(entt::null) |
{ |
hand_angle_spring.z = 1.0f; |
hand_angle_spring.w = hz_to_rads(8.0f); |
hand_angle_spring.x1 = math::pi<float>; |
hand_angle_spring.x0 = hand_angle_spring.x1; |
hand_angle_spring.v = 0.0f; |
pick_spring.z = 1.0f; |
pick_spring.w = hz_to_rads(30.0f); |
pick_spring.x1 = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}; |
pick_spring.x0 = pick_spring.x1; |
pick_spring.v = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}; |
// Create descend animation
animation_channel<float>* channel = descend_animation.add_channel(0); |
descend_animation.set_interpolator(ease<float, double>::out_cubic); |
descend_animation.set_frame_callback |
( |
[this](int channel, const float& t) |
{ |
this->active_tool_distance = t; |
} |
); |
// Create descend animation
channel = ascend_animation.add_channel(0); |
ascend_animation.set_interpolator(ease<float, double>::out_cubic); |
ascend_animation.set_frame_callback |
( |
[this](int channel, const float& t) |
{ |
this->active_tool_distance = t; |
} |
); |
active_tool = entt::null; |
active_tool_distance = 0.0f; |
warp = true; |
tool_active = false; |
event_dispatcher->subscribe<mouse_moved_event>(this); |
event_dispatcher->subscribe<window_resized_event>(this); |
} |
tool::~tool() |
{ |
event_dispatcher->unsubscribe<mouse_moved_event>(this); |
event_dispatcher->unsubscribe<window_resized_event>(this); |
} |
void tool::update(double t, double dt) |
{ |
if (active_tool == entt::null) |
return; |
// Advance animations
ascend_animation.advance(dt); |
descend_animation.advance(dt); |
if (!camera) |
return; |
float3 pick_near = camera->unproject({mouse_position[0], viewport[3] - mouse_position[1], 0.0f}, viewport); |
float3 pick_far = camera->unproject({mouse_position[0], viewport[3] - mouse_position[1], 1.0f}, viewport); |
float3 pick_origin = pick_near; |
float3 pick_direction = math::normalize(pick_far - pick_near); |
geom::ray<float> picking_ray = {pick_near, pick_direction}; |
float a = std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity(); |
bool intersection = false; |
float3 pick; |
// Cast ray from cursor to collision components to find closest intersection
registry.view<component::transform, component::collision>().each( |
[&](entity::id entity_id, auto& transform, auto& collision) |
{ |
math::transform<float> inverse_transform = math::inverse(transform.local); |
float3 origin = inverse_transform * pick_origin; |
float3 direction = math::normalize(math::conjugate(transform.local.rotation) * pick_direction); |
geom::ray<float> transformed_ray = {origin, direction}; |
// Broad phase AABB test
auto aabb_result = geom::ray_aabb_intersection(transformed_ray, collision.bounds); |
if (!std::get<0>(aabb_result)) |
{ |
return; |
} |
// Narrow phase mesh test
auto mesh_result = collision.mesh_accelerator.query_nearest(transformed_ray); |
if (mesh_result) |
{ |
intersection = true; |
if (mesh_result->t < a) |
{ |
a = mesh_result->t; |
pick = picking_ray.extrapolate(a); |
pick_spring.x1 = pick; |
} |
} |
}); |
const float3& camera_position = camera->get_translation(); |
float3 pick_planar_position = float3{pick.x, 0, pick.z}; |
float3 camera_planar_position = float3{camera_position.x, 0, camera_position.z}; |
float pick_angle = 0.0f; |
float3 pick_planar_direction = math::normalize(pick_planar_position - camera_planar_position); |
float3 camera_planar_focal_point = float3{orbit_cam->get_focal_point().x, 0, orbit_cam->get_focal_point().z}; |
float3 camera_planar_direction = math::normalize(camera_planar_focal_point - camera_planar_position); |
if (std::fabs(math::length_squared(camera_planar_direction - pick_planar_direction) > 0.0001f)) |
{ |
pick_angle = std::acos(math::dot(camera_planar_direction, pick_planar_direction)); |
if (math::dot(math::cross(camera_planar_direction, pick_planar_direction), float3{0, 1, 0}) < 0.0f) |
pick_angle = -pick_angle; |
} |
// Determine target hand angle
hand_angle_spring.x1 = -std::min<float>(0.5f, std::max<float>(-0.5f, ((mouse_position[0] / viewport[2]) - 0.5f) * 1.0f)) * (math::pi<float>); |
// Solve springs
solve_numeric_spring<float, float>(hand_angle_spring, dt); |
solve_numeric_spring<float3, float>(pick_spring, dt); |
// Don't use spring for picking
pick_spring.x0 = pick_spring.x1; |
// Move active tools to intersection location
registry.view<component::tool, component::transform>().each( |
[&](entity::id entity_id, auto& tool, auto& transform) |
{ |
if (!tool.active) |
return; |
active_tool = entity_id; |
float tool_distance = active_tool_distance;//(tool_active) ? tool.active_distance : tool.idle_distance;
// Interpolate between left and right hand
math::quaternion<float> hand_rotation = math::angle_axis(orbit_cam->get_azimuth() + hand_angle_spring.x0, float3{0, 1, 0}); |
math::quaternion<float> tilt_rotation = math::angle_axis(orbit_cam->get_elevation(), float3{-1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}); |
if (tool.heliotropic) |
{ |
math::quaternion<float> solar_rotation = math::rotation(float3{0, -1, 0}, sun_direction); |
transform.local.translation = pick_spring.x0 + solar_rotation * float3{0, tool_distance, 0}; |
transform.local.rotation = solar_rotation * hand_rotation; |
} |
else |
{ |
math::quaternion<float> rotation = hand_rotation * tilt_rotation; |
transform.local.translation = pick_spring.x0 + rotation * float3{0, tool_distance, 0}; |
transform.local.rotation = rotation; |
} |
if (warp) |
{ |
transform.warp = true; |
command::assign_render_layers(registry, active_tool, 1); |
warp = false; |
} |
// Update tool's cursor position
tool.cursor = pick_spring.x0; |
//math::quaternion<float> rotation = math::angle_axis(orbit_cam->get_azimuth() + pick_angle, float3{0, 1, 0});
//transform.transform.rotation = rotation;
}); |
was_pick_enabled = pick_enabled; |
*/ |
} |
void tool::set_camera(const scene::camera* camera) |
{ |
this->camera = camera; |
} |
void tool::set_viewport(const float4& viewport) |
{ |
this->viewport = viewport; |
mouse_position.x = viewport[2] * 0.5f; |
mouse_position.y = viewport[3] * 0.5f; |
} |
void tool::set_pick(bool enabled) |
{ |
pick_enabled = enabled; |
} |
void tool::set_sun_direction(const float3& direction) |
{ |
sun_direction = direction; |
} |
void tool::set_active_tool(entity::id entity_id) |
{ |
if (active_tool == entity_id) |
return; |
const float descent_time = 0.1f; |
const float ascent_time = 0.1f; |
if (active_tool != entt::null) |
{ |
auto& tool = registry.get<component::tool>(active_tool); |
tool.active = false; |
command::assign_render_layers(registry, active_tool, 0); |
} |
active_tool = entity_id; |
if (active_tool != entt::null) |
{ |
auto& tool = registry.get<component::tool>(active_tool); |
tool.active = true; |
active_tool_distance = tool.idle_distance; |
command::warp_to(registry, active_tool, pick_spring.x0 + float3{0.0f, tool.idle_distance, 0.0f}); |
// Adjust descend and ascend animations
animation_channel<float>* channel = descend_animation.get_channel(0); |
channel->remove_keyframes(); |
channel->insert_keyframe({0.0, tool.idle_distance}); |
channel->insert_keyframe({descent_time, tool.active_distance}); |
channel = ascend_animation.get_channel(0); |
channel->remove_keyframes(); |
channel->insert_keyframe({0.0, tool.active_distance}); |
channel->insert_keyframe({ascent_time, tool.idle_distance}); |
} |
warp = true; |
} |
void tool::set_tool_active(bool active) |
{ |
if (active_tool == entt::null) |
return; |
tool_active = active; |
if (active) |
{ |
descend_animation.rewind(); |
descend_animation.play(); |
// Queue tool pressed event
tool_pressed_event event; |
event.entity_id = active_tool; |
event.position = pick_spring.x0; |
event_dispatcher->queue(event); |
} |
else |
{ |
ascend_animation.rewind(); |
ascend_animation.play(); |
// Queue tool pressed event
tool_released_event event; |
event.entity_id = active_tool; |
event.position = pick_spring.x0; |
event_dispatcher->queue(event); |
} |
} |
void tool::handle_event(const mouse_moved_event& event) |
{ |
if (pick_enabled && was_pick_enabled) |
{ |
mouse_position[0] = event.x; |
mouse_position[1] = event.y; |
} |
} |
void tool::handle_event(const window_resized_event& event) |
{ |
set_viewport({0.0f, 0.0f, static_cast<float>(event.w), static_cast<float>(event.h)}); |
} |
} // namespace system
} // namespace entity