- /*
- * Copyright (C) 2021 Christopher J. Howard
- *
- * This file is part of Antkeeper source code.
- *
- * Antkeeper source code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * Antkeeper source code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with Antkeeper source code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- */
- #include "entity/systems/astronomy.hpp"
- #include "astro/apparent-size.hpp"
- #include "entity/components/blackbody.hpp"
- #include "entity/components/transform.hpp"
- #include "entity/components/diffuse-reflector.hpp"
- #include "geom/intersection.hpp"
- #include "geom/cartesian.hpp"
- #include "color/color.hpp"
- #include "physics/orbit/orbit.hpp"
- #include "physics/time/ut1.hpp"
- #include "physics/time/jd.hpp"
- #include "physics/light/photometry.hpp"
- #include "physics/light/luminosity.hpp"
- #include "physics/light/refraction.hpp"
- #include "physics/gas/atmosphere.hpp"
- #include "geom/cartesian.hpp"
- #include "astro/apparent-size.hpp"
- #include "geom/solid-angle.hpp"
- #include "math/polynomial.hpp"
- #include <iostream>
- namespace entity {
- namespace system {
- astronomy::astronomy(entity::registry& registry):
- updatable(registry),
- time_days(0.0),
- time_centuries(0.0),
- time_scale(1.0),
- observer_eid(entt::null),
- reference_body_eid(entt::null),
- transmittance_samples(0),
- sun_light(nullptr),
- sky_light(nullptr),
- moon_light(nullptr),
- bounce_light(nullptr),
- bounce_albedo{0, 0, 0},
- sky_pass(nullptr),
- starlight_illuminance{0, 0, 0}
- {
- // Construct ENU to EUS transformation
- enu_to_eus = math::transformation::se3<double>
- {
- {0, 0, 0},
- math::quaternion<double>::rotate_x(-math::half_pi<double>)
- };
- registry.on_construct<entity::component::observer>().connect<&astronomy::on_observer_modified>(this);
- registry.on_replace<entity::component::observer>().connect<&astronomy::on_observer_modified>(this);
- registry.on_destroy<entity::component::observer>().connect<&astronomy::on_observer_destroyed>(this);
- registry.on_construct<entity::component::celestial_body>().connect<&astronomy::on_celestial_body_modified>(this);
- registry.on_replace<entity::component::celestial_body>().connect<&astronomy::on_celestial_body_modified>(this);
- registry.on_destroy<entity::component::celestial_body>().connect<&astronomy::on_celestial_body_destroyed>(this);
- registry.on_construct<entity::component::orbit>().connect<&astronomy::on_orbit_modified>(this);
- registry.on_replace<entity::component::orbit>().connect<&astronomy::on_orbit_modified>(this);
- registry.on_destroy<entity::component::orbit>().connect<&astronomy::on_orbit_destroyed>(this);
- registry.on_construct<entity::component::atmosphere>().connect<&astronomy::on_atmosphere_modified>(this);
- registry.on_replace<entity::component::atmosphere>().connect<&astronomy::on_atmosphere_modified>(this);
- registry.on_destroy<entity::component::atmosphere>().connect<&astronomy::on_atmosphere_destroyed>(this);
- }
- astronomy::~astronomy()
- {
- registry.on_construct<entity::component::observer>().disconnect<&astronomy::on_observer_modified>(this);
- registry.on_replace<entity::component::observer>().disconnect<&astronomy::on_observer_modified>(this);
- registry.on_destroy<entity::component::observer>().disconnect<&astronomy::on_observer_destroyed>(this);
- registry.on_construct<entity::component::celestial_body>().disconnect<&astronomy::on_celestial_body_modified>(this);
- registry.on_replace<entity::component::celestial_body>().disconnect<&astronomy::on_celestial_body_modified>(this);
- registry.on_destroy<entity::component::celestial_body>().disconnect<&astronomy::on_celestial_body_destroyed>(this);
- registry.on_construct<entity::component::orbit>().disconnect<&astronomy::on_orbit_modified>(this);
- registry.on_replace<entity::component::orbit>().disconnect<&astronomy::on_orbit_modified>(this);
- registry.on_destroy<entity::component::orbit>().disconnect<&astronomy::on_orbit_destroyed>(this);
- registry.on_construct<entity::component::atmosphere>().disconnect<&astronomy::on_atmosphere_modified>(this);
- registry.on_replace<entity::component::atmosphere>().disconnect<&astronomy::on_atmosphere_modified>(this);
- registry.on_destroy<entity::component::atmosphere>().disconnect<&astronomy::on_atmosphere_destroyed>(this);
- }
- void astronomy::update(double t, double dt)
- {
- double3 sky_light_illuminance = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
- // Add scaled timestep to current time
- set_time(time_days + dt * time_scale);
- // Abort if no valid observer entity or reference body entity
- if (observer_eid == entt::null || reference_body_eid == entt::null)
- return;
- // Get pointer to observer component
- const auto observer = registry.try_get<component::observer>(observer_eid);
- // Abort if no observer component
- if (!observer)
- return;
- // Get pointers to reference body components
- const auto
- [
- reference_body,
- reference_orbit,
- reference_atmosphere
- ] = registry.try_get<component::celestial_body, component::orbit, component::atmosphere>(reference_body_eid);
- // Abort if no reference body or reference orbit
- if (!reference_body || !reference_orbit)
- return;
- // Update ICRF to EUS transformation
- update_icrf_to_eus(*reference_body, *reference_orbit);
- // Set the transform component translations of orbiting bodies to their topocentric positions
- registry.view<component::celestial_body, component::orbit, component::transform>().each(
- [&](entity::id entity_id, const auto& body, const auto& orbit, auto& transform)
- {
- // Skip reference body entity
- if (entity_id == reference_body_eid)
- return;
- // Transform orbital Cartesian position (r) from the ICRF frame to the EUS frame
- const double3 r_eus = icrf_to_eus * orbit.position;
- // Evaluate body orientation polynomials
- const double body_pole_ra = math::polynomial::horner(body.pole_ra.begin(), body.pole_ra.end(), time_centuries);
- const double body_pole_dec = math::polynomial::horner(body.pole_dec.begin(), body.pole_dec.end(), time_centuries);
- const double body_prime_meridian = math::polynomial::horner(body.prime_meridian.begin(), body.prime_meridian.end(), time_days);
- // Determine body orientation in the ICRF frame
- math::quaternion<double> rotation_icrf = physics::orbit::frame::bcbf::to_bci
- (
- body_pole_ra,
- body_pole_dec,
- body_prime_meridian
- ).r;
- // Transform body orientation from the ICRF frame to the EUS frame.
- math::quaternion<double> rotation_eus = math::normalize(icrf_to_eus.r * rotation_icrf);
- // Update local transform
- if (orbit.parent != entt::null)
- {
- transform.local.translation = math::normalize(math::type_cast<float>(r_eus));
- transform.local.rotation = math::type_cast<float>(rotation_eus);
- transform.local.scale = {1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f};
- }
- });
- constexpr double3 bounce_normal = {0, 1, 0};
- double3 bounce_illuminance = {0, 0, 0};
- // Update blackbody lighting
- registry.view<component::celestial_body, component::orbit, component::blackbody>().each(
- [&](entity::id entity_id, const auto& blackbody_body, const auto& blackbody_orbit, const auto& blackbody)
- {
- // Transform blackbody position from ICRF frame to EUS frame
- const double3 blackbody_position_eus = icrf_to_eus * blackbody_orbit.position;
- // Measure distance and direction, in EUS frame, from observer to blackbody
- const double observer_blackbody_distance = math::length(blackbody_position_eus);
- const double3 observer_blackbody_direction_eus = blackbody_position_eus / observer_blackbody_distance;
- // Measure blackbody solid angle as seen by observer
- const double observer_blackbody_angular_radius = astro::angular_radius(blackbody_body.radius, observer_blackbody_distance);
- const double observer_blackbody_solid_angle = geom::solid_angle::cone(observer_blackbody_angular_radius);
- // Calculate illuminance from blackbody reaching observer
- const double3 observer_blackbody_illuminance = blackbody.luminance * observer_blackbody_solid_angle;
- // Calculate illuminance from blackbody reaching observer after atmospheric extinction
- double3 observer_blackbody_transmitted_illuminance = observer_blackbody_illuminance;
- if (reference_atmosphere)
- {
- // Construct ray at observer pointing towards the blackbody
- const geom::ray<double> ray = {{0, 0, 0}, observer_blackbody_direction_eus};
- // Integrate atmospheric spectral transmittance factor between observer and blackbody
- const double3 transmittance = integrate_transmittance(*observer, *reference_body, *reference_atmosphere, ray);
- // Attenuate illuminance from blackbody reaching observer by spectral transmittance factor
- observer_blackbody_transmitted_illuminance *= transmittance;
- }
- // Update sun light
- if (sun_light != nullptr)
- {
- const double3 blackbody_up_eus = icrf_to_eus.r * double3{0, 0, 1};
- sun_light->set_rotation
- (
- math::look_rotation
- (
- math::type_cast<float>(-observer_blackbody_direction_eus),
- math::type_cast<float>(blackbody_up_eus)
- )
- );
- sun_light->set_color(math::type_cast<float>(observer_blackbody_transmitted_illuminance));
- // Bounce sun light
- bounce_illuminance += std::max(0.0, math::dot(bounce_normal, -observer_blackbody_direction_eus)) * observer_blackbody_transmitted_illuminance * bounce_albedo;
- }
- // Update sky light
- if (sky_light != nullptr)
- {
- // Calculate sky illuminance
- double3 blackbody_position_enu_spherical = physics::orbit::frame::enu::spherical(enu_to_eus.inverse() * blackbody_position_eus);
- const double sky_illuminance = 25000.0 * std::max<double>(0.0, std::sin(blackbody_position_enu_spherical.y));
- // Add sky illuminance to sky light illuminance
- sky_light_illuminance += {sky_illuminance, sky_illuminance, sky_illuminance};
- // Add starlight illuminance to sky light illuminance
- sky_light_illuminance += starlight_illuminance;
- // Update sky light
- sky_light->set_color(math::type_cast<float>(sky_light_illuminance));
- // Bounce sky light
- bounce_illuminance += sky_light_illuminance * bounce_albedo;
- }
- // Upload blackbody params to sky pass
- if (this->sky_pass)
- {
- this->sky_pass->set_sun_position(math::type_cast<float>(blackbody_position_eus));
- this->sky_pass->set_sun_luminance(math::type_cast<float>(blackbody.luminance));
- this->sky_pass->set_sun_illuminance(math::type_cast<float>(observer_blackbody_illuminance), math::type_cast<float>(observer_blackbody_transmitted_illuminance));
- this->sky_pass->set_sun_angular_radius(static_cast<float>(observer_blackbody_angular_radius));
- }
- // Update diffuse reflectors
- this->registry.view<component::celestial_body, component::orbit, component::diffuse_reflector, component::transform>().each(
- [&](entity::id entity_id, const auto& reflector_body, const auto& reflector_orbit, const auto& reflector, const auto& transform)
- {
- // Transform reflector position from ICRF frame to EUS frame
- const double3 reflector_position_eus = icrf_to_eus * reflector_orbit.position;
- // Measure distance and direction, in EUS frame, from observer to reflector
- const double observer_reflector_distance = math::length(reflector_position_eus);
- const double3 observer_reflector_direction_eus = reflector_position_eus / observer_reflector_distance;
- // Measure distance and direction, in EUS frame, from reflector to blackbody
- double3 reflector_blackbody_direction_eus = blackbody_position_eus - reflector_position_eus;
- const double reflector_blackbody_distance = math::length(reflector_blackbody_direction_eus);
- reflector_blackbody_direction_eus /= reflector_blackbody_distance;
- // Measure blackbody solid angle as seen by reflector
- const double reflector_blackbody_angular_radius = astro::angular_radius(blackbody_body.radius, reflector_blackbody_distance);
- const double reflector_blackbody_solid_angle = geom::solid_angle::cone(reflector_blackbody_angular_radius);
- // Calculate blackbody illuminance reaching reflector
- const double3 reflector_blackbody_illuminance = blackbody.luminance * reflector_blackbody_solid_angle;
- // Measure reflector solid angle as seen by observer
- const double observer_reflector_angular_radius = astro::angular_radius(reflector_body.radius, observer_reflector_distance);
- const double observer_reflector_solid_angle = geom::solid_angle::cone(observer_reflector_angular_radius);
- // Determine phase factor of reflector as seen by observer
- const double observer_reflector_phase_factor = dot(observer_reflector_direction_eus, -reflector_blackbody_direction_eus) * 0.5 + 0.5;
- // Measure observer reference body solid angle as seen by reflector
- const double reflector_observer_angular_radius = astro::angular_radius(reference_body->radius, observer_reflector_distance);
- const double reflector_observer_solid_angle = geom::solid_angle::cone(reflector_observer_angular_radius);
- // Determine phase factor of observer reference body as by reflector
- const double reflector_observer_phase_factor = dot(-observer_reflector_direction_eus, -observer_blackbody_direction_eus) * 0.5 + 0.5;
- // Calculate spectral transmittance between observer and reflector factor due to atmospheric extinction
- double3 observer_reflector_transmittance = {1, 1, 1};
- if (reference_atmosphere)
- {
- const geom::ray<double> ray = {{0, 0, 0}, observer_reflector_direction_eus};
- observer_reflector_transmittance = integrate_transmittance(*observer, *reference_body, *reference_atmosphere, ray);
- }
- // Measure luminance of observer reference body as seen by reflector
- const double3 reflector_observer_luminance = observer_blackbody_illuminance * reference_body->albedo * observer_reflector_transmittance * reflector_observer_phase_factor * math::inverse_pi<double>;
- // Measure illuminance from observer reference body reaching reflector
- const double3 reflector_observer_illuminance = reflector_observer_luminance * reflector_observer_solid_angle;
- // Measure luminance of reflector as seen by observer
- const double3 observer_reflector_luminance = (reflector_blackbody_illuminance * observer_reflector_phase_factor + reflector_observer_illuminance) * reflector.albedo * observer_reflector_transmittance * math::inverse_pi<double>;
- // Measure illuminance from reflector reaching observer
- const double3 observer_reflector_illuminance = observer_reflector_luminance * observer_reflector_solid_angle;
- if (this->sky_pass)
- {
- this->sky_pass->set_moon_position(transform.local.translation);
- this->sky_pass->set_moon_rotation(transform.local.rotation);
- this->sky_pass->set_moon_angular_radius(static_cast<float>(observer_reflector_angular_radius));
- this->sky_pass->set_moon_sunlight_direction(math::type_cast<float>(-reflector_blackbody_direction_eus));
- this->sky_pass->set_moon_sunlight_illuminance(math::type_cast<float>(reflector_blackbody_illuminance * observer_reflector_transmittance));
- this->sky_pass->set_moon_planetlight_direction(math::type_cast<float>(observer_reflector_direction_eus));
- this->sky_pass->set_moon_planetlight_illuminance(math::type_cast<float>(reflector_observer_illuminance * observer_reflector_transmittance));
- this->sky_pass->set_moon_illuminance(math::type_cast<float>(observer_reflector_illuminance / observer_reflector_transmittance), math::type_cast<float>(observer_reflector_illuminance));
- }
- if (this->moon_light)
- {
- const float3 reflector_up_eus = math::type_cast<float>(icrf_to_eus.r * double3{0, 0, 1});
- this->moon_light->set_color(math::type_cast<float>(observer_reflector_illuminance));
- this->moon_light->set_rotation
- (
- math::look_rotation
- (
- math::type_cast<float>(-observer_reflector_direction_eus),
- reflector_up_eus
- )
- );
- // Bounce moon light
- bounce_illuminance += std::max(0.0, math::dot(bounce_normal, -observer_reflector_direction_eus)) * observer_reflector_illuminance * bounce_albedo;
- }
- });
- });
- if (bounce_light)
- {
- bounce_light->set_color(math::type_cast<float>(bounce_illuminance));
- }
- }
- void astronomy::set_time(double t)
- {
- time_days = t;
- time_centuries = time_days * physics::time::jd::centuries_per_day<double>;
- }
- void astronomy::set_time_scale(double scale)
- {
- time_scale = scale;
- }
- void astronomy::set_observer(entity::id eid)
- {
- if (observer_eid != eid)
- {
- observer_eid = eid;
- if (observer_eid != entt::null)
- observer_modified();
- else
- reference_body_eid = entt::null;
- }
- }
- void astronomy::set_transmittance_samples(std::size_t samples)
- {
- transmittance_samples = samples;
- }
- void astronomy::set_sun_light(scene::directional_light* light)
- {
- sun_light = light;
- }
- void astronomy::set_sky_light(scene::ambient_light* light)
- {
- sky_light = light;
- }
- void astronomy::set_moon_light(scene::directional_light* light)
- {
- moon_light = light;
- }
- void astronomy::set_bounce_light(scene::directional_light* light)
- {
- bounce_light = light;
- }
- void astronomy::set_bounce_albedo(const double3& albedo)
- {
- bounce_albedo = albedo;
- }
- void astronomy::set_starlight_illuminance(const double3& illuminance)
- {
- starlight_illuminance = illuminance;
- }
- void astronomy::set_sky_pass(::render::sky_pass* pass)
- {
- this->sky_pass = pass;
- if (sky_pass)
- {
- if (observer_eid != entt::null)
- {
- // Get pointer to observer
- const auto observer = registry.try_get<component::observer>(reference_body_eid);
- sky_pass->set_observer_elevation(static_cast<float>(observer->elevation));
- }
- if (reference_body_eid != entt::null)
- {
- // Get pointer to reference celestial body
- const auto reference_body = registry.try_get<component::celestial_body>(reference_body_eid);
- if (reference_body)
- sky_pass->set_planet_radius(static_cast<float>(reference_body->radius));
- else
- sky_pass->set_planet_radius(0.0f);
- }
- }
- }
- void astronomy::on_observer_modified(entity::registry& registry, entity::id entity_id, entity::component::observer& component)
- {
- if (entity_id == observer_eid)
- observer_modified();
- }
- void astronomy::on_observer_destroyed(entity::registry& registry, entity::id entity_id)
- {
- if (entity_id == observer_eid)
- observer_modified();
- }
- void astronomy::on_celestial_body_modified(entity::registry& registry, entity::id entity_id, entity::component::celestial_body& component)
- {
- if (entity_id == reference_body_eid)
- reference_body_modified();
- }
- void astronomy::on_celestial_body_destroyed(entity::registry& registry, entity::id entity_id)
- {
- if (entity_id == reference_body_eid)
- reference_body_modified();
- }
- void astronomy::on_orbit_modified(entity::registry& registry, entity::id entity_id, entity::component::orbit& component)
- {
- if (entity_id == reference_body_eid)
- reference_orbit_modified();
- }
- void astronomy::on_orbit_destroyed(entity::registry& registry, entity::id entity_id)
- {
- if (entity_id == reference_body_eid)
- reference_orbit_modified();
- }
- void astronomy::on_atmosphere_modified(entity::registry& registry, entity::id entity_id, entity::component::atmosphere& component)
- {
- if (entity_id == reference_body_eid)
- reference_atmosphere_modified();
- }
- void astronomy::on_atmosphere_destroyed(entity::registry& registry, entity::id entity_id)
- {
- if (entity_id == reference_body_eid)
- reference_atmosphere_modified();
- }
- void astronomy::observer_modified()
- {
- // Get pointer to observer component
- const auto observer = registry.try_get<component::observer>(observer_eid);
- if (observer)
- {
- if (reference_body_eid != observer->reference_body_eid)
- {
- // Reference body changed
- reference_body_eid = observer->reference_body_eid;
- reference_body_modified();
- reference_orbit_modified();
- reference_atmosphere_modified();
- }
- if (reference_body_eid != entt::null)
- {
- // Get pointer to reference celestial body
- const auto reference_body = registry.try_get<component::celestial_body>(reference_body_eid);
- // Update BCBF to EUS transformation
- if (reference_body)
- update_bcbf_to_eus(*observer, *reference_body);
- }
- // Upload observer elevation to sky pass
- if (sky_pass)
- sky_pass->set_observer_elevation(static_cast<float>(observer->elevation));
- }
- }
- void astronomy::reference_body_modified()
- {
- // Get pointer to reference celestial body
- const auto reference_body = registry.try_get<component::celestial_body>(reference_body_eid);
- if (reference_body)
- {
- // Get pointer to observer
- const auto observer = registry.try_get<component::observer>(observer_eid);
- // Update BCBF to EUS transformation
- if (observer)
- update_bcbf_to_eus(*observer, *reference_body);
- }
- // Update reference celestial body-related sky pass parameters
- if (sky_pass)
- {
- if (reference_body)
- sky_pass->set_planet_radius(static_cast<float>(reference_body->radius));
- else
- sky_pass->set_planet_radius(0.0f);
- }
- }
- void astronomy::reference_orbit_modified()
- {
- }
- void astronomy::reference_atmosphere_modified()
- {
- }
- void astronomy::update_bcbf_to_eus(const entity::component::observer& observer, const entity::component::celestial_body& body)
- {
- // Construct BCBF to EUS transformation
- bcbf_to_eus = physics::orbit::frame::bcbf::to_enu
- (
- body.radius + observer.elevation,
- observer.latitude,
- observer.longitude
- ) * enu_to_eus;
- }
- void astronomy::update_icrf_to_eus(const entity::component::celestial_body& body, const entity::component::orbit& orbit)
- {
- // Evaluate reference body orientation polynomials
- const double body_pole_ra = math::polynomial::horner(body.pole_ra.begin(), body.pole_ra.end(), time_centuries);
- const double body_pole_dec = math::polynomial::horner(body.pole_dec.begin(), body.pole_dec.end(), time_centuries);
- const double body_prime_meridian = math::polynomial::horner(body.prime_meridian.begin(), body.prime_meridian.end(), time_days);
- // Construct ICRF frame to BCBF transformation
- math::transformation::se3<double> icrf_to_bcbf = physics::orbit::frame::bci::to_bcbf
- (
- body_pole_ra,
- body_pole_dec,
- body_prime_meridian
- );
- icrf_to_bcbf.t = icrf_to_bcbf.r * -orbit.position;
- /// Construct ICRF to EUS transformation
- icrf_to_eus = icrf_to_bcbf * bcbf_to_eus;
- // Pass ICRF to EUS transformation to sky pass
- if (sky_pass)
- {
- // Upload topocentric frame to sky pass
- sky_pass->set_icrf_to_eus
- (
- math::transformation::se3<float>
- {
- math::type_cast<float>(icrf_to_eus.t),
- math::type_cast<float>(icrf_to_eus.r)
- }
- );
- }
- }
- double3 astronomy::integrate_transmittance(const entity::component::observer& observer, const entity::component::celestial_body& body, const entity::component::atmosphere& atmosphere, geom::ray<double> ray) const
- {
- double3 transmittance = {1, 1, 1};
- // Make ray height relative to center of reference body
- ray.origin.y += body.radius + observer.elevation;
- // Construct sphere representing upper limit of the atmosphere
- geom::sphere<double> atmosphere_sphere;
- atmosphere_sphere.center = {0, 0, 0};
- atmosphere_sphere.radius = body.radius + atmosphere.upper_limit;
- // Check for intersection between the ray and atmosphere
- auto intersection = geom::ray_sphere_intersection(ray, atmosphere_sphere);
- if (std::get<0>(intersection))
- {
- // Get point of intersection
- const double3 intersection_point = ray.extrapolate(std::get<2>(intersection));
- // Integrate optical of Rayleigh, Mie, and ozone particles
- const double optical_depth_r = physics::gas::atmosphere::optical_depth_exp(ray.origin, intersection_point, body.radius, atmosphere.rayleigh_scale_height, transmittance_samples);
- const double optical_depth_m = physics::gas::atmosphere::optical_depth_exp(ray.origin, intersection_point, body.radius, atmosphere.mie_scale_height, transmittance_samples);
- const double optical_depth_o = physics::gas::atmosphere::optical_depth_tri(ray.origin, intersection_point, body.radius, atmosphere.ozone_lower_limit, atmosphere.ozone_upper_limit, atmosphere.ozone_mode, transmittance_samples);
- // Calculate transmittance factor due to scattering and absorption
- const double3 extinction_r = atmosphere.rayleigh_scattering * optical_depth_r;
- const double extinction_m = atmosphere.mie_extinction * optical_depth_m;
- const double3 extinction_o = atmosphere.ozone_absorption * optical_depth_o;
- transmittance = extinction_r + double3{extinction_m, extinction_m, extinction_m} + extinction_o;
- transmittance.x = std::exp(-transmittance.x);
- transmittance.y = std::exp(-transmittance.y);
- transmittance.z = std::exp(-transmittance.z);
- }
- return transmittance;
- }
- } // namespace system
- } // namespace entity